Monday, August 31, 2015

Moog SUB PHATTY Explorations

Uploaded on Aug 30, 2015 matrixsynth

Update: After hitting play, set the quality to HD under the player settings wheel on the right.
Also, apologies for the slight overdrives at 1:33, 2:35 and 3:07. I corrected them as I caught them while playing.

Exploring the mellower side of the Moog SUB PHATTY. I love this synth!

Also see: Moog Sub Phatty Exploration by John L Rice

Moog SUB PHATTY Explorations 2

Published on Sep 7, 2015 matrixsynth

Set to HD for best quality.

This video is a bit long for what it is, but there are some sweat spots so I went ahead and uploaded it. The SUB PHATTY is being sequenced by StepPolyArp on an original iPad. One sequence throughout. Dry signal up to 1:42 and then liberal effects - mainly reverb & phaser. As always, just tweaking and exploring sound. Think of these more like enjoying flavors of sound rather than compositions of music. A bit like sonic wine tasting! :) Remember to set it to HD otherwise your will be denying your sonic palate!

Follow-up to Moog SUB PHATTY Explorations 1.

Moog Sub Phatty Explorations 3 - Looping Envelopes

Published on Oct 11, 2015 matrixsynth

Set to HD for best quality. Listen on good monitors or headphones and turn it up.

The Moog Sub Phatty has a little trick up its sleeves that was missing on the Voyager and Little Phatty: loopable envelopes. You have to enable them via the software editor for the Sub Phatty. For those not familiar with loopable envelops, they pretty much are what they sound like. Envelopes on most synths end after the Release stage. A loopable or looping envelope goes back to the Attack stage and repeats for as long as you hold a note down. You can essentially use it as an LFO with four stages of variable time. In this video I start with the Release stage set full so you hear the Sub Phatty being played as normal. I then bring back the Release and you can hear the envelop clearly loop. In this video I played with the VCA envelope. You'll note a few sweet spots. Note when the envelop repeats at a very high rate the pitch does not track as you might expect. It's still a great effect. The signal starts dry and I later add some reverb and phaser at 1:30.

Side note: see if you can spot the three synths in the background.

Moog Sub Phatty Explorations 4 - Looping Envelopes - Filter

Moog Sub Phatty Explorations 5 - Halloween Drone

Published on Oct 30, 2015 matrixsynth

Set to HD for best quality. Listen on good monitors or headphones and turn it up.

Single note drone on the Sub Phatty.

In order of appearance:

1. Evaton Technologies RF Nomad Radio Waves (modulated by subcon M37)
2. Roland TR-909 Bass Drum Heart Beat
3. Quasimidi Polymorph Hi-Hats
4. Korg ER-1 odd percussion sounds
5. Moog Sub Phatty one note drone

All but the 909 awash in reverb & phaser.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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