Showing posts with label AVR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AVR. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2010

AVR Virtual Analog Monophonic Synthesizer

via this auction

"AVR Virtual Analog monophonic Synthesizer

This synthesizer has been professionally built by Elby Designs in Australia
The synthesis architecture is simple 2 dco, 1 dcf, 1 dca, 1 lfo, 1 AR/ASR envelope generator.
The synthesizer is in perfect condition and really simple to use.
For more information visit"

Thursday, July 01, 2010

AVR Oscillator v. 0.1

YouTube via rpocc | July 01, 2010

"A very raw version of voltage controlled oscillator built on single ATTiny13A powered from 3V battery and working at 1.2 MHz (default).

Osc generationg pulse wave with wavelength proportional to applied voltage («Volt/Length» response)

408-byte wavelength table and simple code is required to get V/Oct response. In case of ATTiny (10-bit ADC, 8-bit MCU) hash-table method should be faster then pure calculations.

WIP. Project goal is extremely simple and cheap VCO for Lo-fi applications."

MIDI Messages from ATTiny13A

rpocc | July 01, 2010

"Test program sending MIDI Message Active Sensing (EF) from Atmel ATTiny13A. Background music is test track created with another project: DIY 4-stage sequencing (de)multiplexer (WIP)
project archive:"


Looped MIDI melody from ATTiny13A to Doepfer Dark Energy

"rpocc | July 01, 2010

ATTiny13A MCU generationg MIDI stream with a fragment of traditional New Year song "Yolochka" (The christmas spruce) and controlling famous analog MIDI synth.
Source is pubbed at
MCU has only 1 KB of program memory, but I think, it can fit 3—4 times larger song data. Next goal — to select MIDI Data to be transmitted and generate real time messages such as Program or Control Change"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

AVR Synth

YouTube via kernelcode — March 29, 2010 — AVR Synth so far

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Handmade Music Austin #3

YouTube via EA78751
"Video from Handmade Music Austin #3, Dec. 20th 2009. At this workshop 13 people built the free project, Mini Space Rockers. After that we witnessed live electroacoustic sound by Lustigovi. And then 19 people built the upper division project, Andromeda Mk-4 Analog Bass Drum. And last there was an open jam with DIY bassline and drum machines from this workshop series, plus acid lines from a MIDIbox SID."
handmade music austin DIY analog drum machine 8-bit AVR synth synthesizer MIDIbox SID"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chip Trick

YouTube via MMTAKEDA55
"1chip noise machine. I put AVR ATTiny13A in this."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First DIY Synth Project

via where you will find the full post.

"Two days ago my oldest daughter had her 9th birthday. And since she is very interested in music, synthesizers and music I decided to give her a special gift. She got her first DIY Synthesizer project. It will become a AVRSynth 32 and it came as a complete kit from Elby Designs in Australia."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

graphic LCD test, DX160

YouTube via muki123. click on the AVR label below for more posts on the AVR synth.
"Playing around with the DX160 and a "manual" LFO wave drawer on AVR."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

midisynced analogue 8 step sequencer with atmel tiny2313

YouTube via stereoping
"DIY-Microcontrolled sequencer is driven by an electribe and sends gate/cv1/cv2 to diy analogue synth. Starting with forward, 16-th note. The gate switches on top have 3 states: gate, off and gate&glide. Setting to the latter causes the note to be oprtamentoed. With the glidetimepot, the porta-rate can be adjusted. In middle of video the mode is set to random, later to 8th-notes and even later laststep is set to 3."

avr stepsequencer - advance by note

"A feature i like most on analag sequencers is step-advancing by note, means the sequencer advances one step when it gets a note/trigger. This enables you to let it shuffle or make special rhytmic patterns."

avr sequencer - dark dungeon of gatetime

"Nice sequence with variations just by altering gatetime."

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hollow Earth demo - DIY waveshaper LFO

YouTube via muki123
"AVR-based waveshaper tremolo. more info on blog: http://soniccrayon.blogspot..."

DIY bitcrusher / samplerate reducer demo

"loosely based on the bugbrand, modified to allow single power supply. not a technical bitcrusher, more samplerate reduction. added resonant LPF, blend, noise gate and a "break" knob. more info here:"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

MIDI2SDS(X) (normal)

YouTube via denha
"AVR was exchanged with the normal goods."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

AVR Synth Re-Packaged

via Synth-DIY where you'll find more images and details.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Microcontroller Synth Roundup

"Microcontroller-based sytnhs are a little odd because in general these little chips aren't too powerful; I'm pretty sure a lot of modern commercial synths use rather hefty DSP chips. But they're nice because of their simplicity of design, and I think most audio DIYers are more familiar with microcontrollers than dedicated DSPers."

You can find the roundup on The Experimentalists Anonymous Weblog. Included are the AVR based synths and the PICSynth.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


YouTube via linsoft23. See the AvrX label below for some prior posts on the chip.
"Demo Video of my 4-voice polyphonic AVR Synth Project"
Update: you can find more info on Making of a drum synth.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Atmel Project AVR Game Console Chiptune Music Demo

via Fra: "I made a little videogame post taht you could be itnerested in:

BUILD YOUR OWN 8bit console/synth

UZEBOX is a retro-minimalist homebrew game console easy and fun to assemble. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general purpose microcontroller made by Atmel and games can be easely programmed in C.

Uzebox got a Midi port for Chiptuners out there and also features a UzeSynth!"

Uze Synth video:

YouTube via uze6666.
"The Uzebox is a homebrew game console made out of resistors and only two chips: an ATmega644 and an AD725 RGB-to-NTSC converter.

This video demonstrates the system kernel's four channels wavetable-based "synthesizer" and the MIDI interface that allows composition of music straight on the console.

Important disclaimer: Since I'm a lousy chiptune composer, all songs are transcriptions of 8-bit gaming classics! Hope they bring your back fond memories. :)

Everything will be open source and open hardware. Look for my other Uzebox videos and please rate if your liked!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Atmel Project AVR Full Color Game Console (Only two chips used!)

YouTube via uze6666. Click on the AvrX label below for more. via ladyada's ranting where you'll find a pic and some more info. ladyada is the woman behind the x0xb0x.
"The Uzebox is a home made game console based on an Atmel AVR microcontroller. The design goal was to be simple to assemble for any hobbyist and great sound and graphics with absolute minimum hardware: an AtMega644 microcontroller, an AD725 RGB-to-NTSC converter...and a bunch of resistors!

You get 256 simultaneous colors, 240x224 (40x28 tiles) graphics, a 4 channels sound engine with MIDI driver, NES joysticks ports and a MIDI IN input to compose your own songs straight on the console. The kernel is fully interrupt driven to generates video sync, mix music, read joypads, etc. so games can be written in plain C, no insane cycle counting required :D !

Considering this a 8-bit general purpose microcontroller with only 4K of RAM and 64k of ROM (and no external RAM or frame buffer), it was quite a challenge to cram all that stuff in there. The site will soon have the schematic. All code will be open source and the hardware hardware!

For now, I've completed a Tetris DS clone for the console.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Monome 40h

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"One of the few 40h models, own this beautiful machine. One of only 400

the monome 40h is a reconfigurable grid of sixty-four backlit buttons.

buttons can be configured as toggles, radio groupings, sliders, or organized into more sophisticated systems to monitor and trigger sample playback positions, stream 1-bit video, interact with dynamic physical models, and play games. button press and visual indication are decoupled by design: the correlation is established by each application.

There's a growing collection of applications written specifically for the 40h.

Provided on the monome website as well are examples for writing your own applications. the 40h uses usb and talks serial, midi, and open sound control. it plays well with max/msp, pd, processing, reaktor, flash, java, ruby, and many others. all 40h software and firmware is open source. monome aims to facilitate a community of shared exploration

There are also numerous applications and patches which exemplify the 40h as a simultaneous input and output device. several are musically-inclined, though the interface also fits wonderfully into alternative uses. all monome applications are open-source and no additional purchase is necessary to use them. here are a few examples :

* 64step is a versatile step sequencer aimed at fluid composition and editing.
* mlr is a sample-cutting platform intended for dynamic and performative live manipulation.
* life is an interactive version of conway’s original simulation.
* phoenix is a probabilistic arpeggiator with a drawable waveform


applied, aesthetic minimalism. the 40h features binary on/off buttons and binary on/off light indication with global brightness control. we believe these parameters most aptly fit both the physical action and size of the buttons. simplicity, constraints, and adaptability promote intuitive interaction.
open source = modification encouraged

all related software is open source. this includes the embedded code, routers (serialio and mapd), and applications. the community is invited to engage in exploring this interface and share findings. also encouraged are hardware modifications, included are available ports in the circuitry for the addition of analog knobs, optical encoders, or anything you could program to interact.
model 40h
elements 8 by 8 (64 total)
dimensions 6.75 by 6.75 by 1.125
materials 6061 anodized aluminum, translucent silicone, conductive silicone, high durometer silicone, lead-free components and circuit boards
interface usb 2.0
power bus powered
platforms os x, windows xp, linux

the unit contains no logos, text, or markings.

the hardware contains an atmel avr atmega32 microcontroller, interfaced with an ftdi ft245r usb fifo and maxim 7221 led matrix driver. the avr is programmable via jtag (port included on circuit) with gcc and avr-lib."

via ian

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Street Electronics

" offers analog synth topics /demos /sounds /music and completed designs of devices that make audio, video, light, and other sensory output. The devices are simply created from inexpensive and easily acquired parts and microcontrollers including Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR, Parallax STAMP, and Motorola 68HC11. Custom parts like the MOS Technology 6581 SID chip are also used." And a few synth pics and audio demos including The Mumbler, a MIDI controlled speech synth. Title link takes you there. Via steve electronics in the comments of this post.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

AVR Synth

"The AVRSYN is a monophonic "virtual analog" synth based, originally, on the Atmel AT90S8535 microcontroller and was designed by Jarek Ziembicki. His aim was to check to see if a simple micro could be used for sound synthesis purposes. And the result? The AT90S8535 managed to do all the tasks: front panel switches and pots services, receiving and processing MIDI messages, and sound generation!

The synthesis architecture is simple:-
two DCO's, a DCF, and a DCA. There is also an LFO and an AR/ASR envelope generator.

Sound samples: 1 2 3

Paul Maddox jumped in at this point and started to design a pcb for the unit but selected the
ATMEGA16 as the AT90S8535 is no longer a production item. Paul has had to temporarily withdraw from this process and so I have taken over the reigns and am releasing the pcb, along with an optional kit of components, to assist those who wish to build and/or develop their own AVR-based synthesiser."

via CDM

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

AVR-X - New Synth!!!

Brand new hybrid synth. Waveshaper, wavetabe and analog filters. Looks good and sounds great. Check out the site for more info, samples and pictures. Very cool.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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