Showing posts with label Retrokits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retrokits. Show all posts

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Alesis MMT-8 recreated - The impossible dream? Retrokits RK-008 sequencer demo

video upload by Espen Kraft

"The iconic Alesis MMT-8 was the first midi sequencer for many people in the late 80s. A superb sequencer, very easy to use and a fantastic piece of kit. Now Retrokits has made a smaller, yet very inspired MMT-8 recreation, which captures much of the original magic."

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

🤔Those little cut-down track indicators… what could it be??

video upload by Retrokits

Monday, April 03, 2023

Unveiling the Incredible: What the Retrokit RK 008 MIDI Recorder Can Do

video upload by Perfect Circuit

"Hey, what's that guy doing playing those synths with a calculator? Oh whoops—well, you'd be forgiven for mistaking the Retrokits RK-008 for the common calculation machine...but in actuality, it's a powerful MIDI recorder/looper/sequencer. And in fact, it can easily be the brain of even the most massive of setups.

Capable of recording and looping any sort of MIDI data on any MIDI channel, the RK-008 is an unassuming way to take control of your entire studio. Sequence your synths or drum machines, or take hands-on control of your DAW! It's the perfect bridge between your favorite controller and any other MIDI-capable device.

RK-008 is available here:
Read the review on our blog, Signal:"

Thursday, February 09, 2023

RK008 Menus: ALT+1 - LENGTH

video upload by Retrokits

"What's under RK008 button number 1??
Part Length, Time Signature, Scales and Part Name editing. In this video I'll show you a thing or two - or.. ehr maybe seven.

Note that the Flex MIDI Time Stretch and Thin Track / Zap Double Notes are RK008 firmware 1.17+ additions."

Friday, January 27, 2023

RK002 / RK008 and the TX6 in polyphony

video upload by Retrokits

"Just checking if this would be doable - I guess it is!"

Thursday, January 19, 2023

RK008 + RK006 - USB Expansion

video upload by Retrokits

"By request a little video about connecting the RK-006 to the RK-008 via USBSerial. This can expand the RK008 with a complete extra MIDI-I/O bus, adding up to 4 MIDI Inputs and 12 MIDI Outputs (+ the extra USB you can plug into the USB-hub)

(Of course it will also work to just connect the RK-006 to the RK-008 via a TRS stereo audio cable but then the inputs of the RK-006 will not be merged with the ones on the RK-008.)"

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Added part naming and Tracktrigger mode to the RK008 💪

video upload by Retrokits

Thursday, August 18, 2022

RK008 MIDI source recording - and track expanding

video upload by Retrokits

"One track on the RK008 can contain MIDI messages for any of the 16 MIDI channels - and what if you want to make a recording more editable afterwards: Meet the expand function.

When you do a track expand, the RK008 analyzes the MIDI data and determines if it is a drum track you want to expand or if it's MIDI data with multiple instruments. It works pretty neat!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

RK002/RK006 Sequencer Combo

video upload by Retrokits

"We already had the 'Split Brain Preset' on the RK006, but with the latest RK006 firmware there is also an option to add a MIDI FX chain into it. We use it to integrate it with our RK008 but it's also a perfect opportunity for the RK002 to do some magic.

Amongst the multitude of RK002 DUY firmwares here's one which turns the Korg Nanokontrol into a 8-step sequencer. Combined with the RK006 different port modes you can make a nice hybrid setup between MIDI and CV/Gate.

Here we mix&match the TR-606, Neutron and eventually the TR8s and Digitakt."

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Small combos

video upload by Retrokits

"Adding the RK002 to the RK008 makes the volca sample 2 a nice multitimbral sample player. I Paired it up with the NTS1 for a bit of FX and synth sounds.

The RK002 Volca Sample 2 firmware can be installed via our DUY portal:"

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Calculator Synth Wave With Retrokits RK-008

video upload by HAINBACH

Retrokits RK-008 posts

Friday, September 17, 2021

SUPERBOOTH 2021 - Retrokits - RK-008

video upload by sonicstate

Additional RK-008 posts

Monday, September 13, 2021

RK-008 Playhead advance trickery and Track Transpose

video upload by Retrokits

RK-008 posts

Sunday, September 12, 2021

RK-008 song mode

video upload by Retrokits

"RK-008 Song Mode: where you can queue up parts and for example automate channel mutes. A single part can go a long way! 😊"

Some Jamiroquai for you.

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

RK-008 in half of a nutshell!

video upload by Retrokits

"So: Superbooth21, 15-18th of September. At stand W430 we want to show you what we have been cooking up in the year everyone wants to forget: The RK-008!

With a number 8 like that we wanted to pay hommage to arguably the most intuitive Realtime MIDI recorder of the 80s: the MMT8.

We did take it to the 21st century though. Here's a small preview with a simple setup. Better keep an eye on it!"

Pic posted here yesterday.

Monday, September 06, 2021

New Retrokits RK008 Pocket Calculator Sequencer Coming to SUPERBOOTH21

This one was spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

via @retrokitsdev

"RK008 in the wild! Two weeks to go until #superbooth so if you want to check out the next small BIG thing in real-time multitrack #midi recording booth W430 is the place to be!"

Reminded me of the Brother MDI-40 multitrack MIDI recorder. Brother made calculators as well.

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

VolcaJam 21

video upload by Jarkko Tuohimaa

"VolcaJam 2021
Korg Volca: keys x2, Bass, Nubass, FM, Modular Drum, Beats, Kick, Sample, Mix x2.
Additional mixer: Zoom L-8
MIDI clock is sent from: Arturia KeysStep Pro passed to all Volcas thru Retrokits RK006. Only Volca sequencers used."

Friday, June 11, 2021

‘Playing around’ with Patterning and the RK-006

video by Retrokits

"Olympia Noise Co. patterning in combination with gate triggers and MIDI for the Behringer Neutron and Roland TR08"

Thursday, June 10, 2021

RK-006 Digitakt and Microbrute (MIDI / USBMIDI / PWM)

video by Retrokits

"Not the crispiest of videos but hopefully an informative one.

Apart from the iOS app, you can also access all settings via a browser. The web-editor is available in Chrome, Edge, Brave,... (but not Safari..)

If you need to smoothen out the RK006 PWM Signal to a more analog style voltage we also have the PWM2CV converters for the RK006, to see them in action, also view our instagram posts like this one:"

Thursday, April 08, 2021

RK-006 NTS1 (NTS2?) Polychain

video by Retrokits

"MIDI shenanigans with the #monotribe​, #rk006​, #NTS1​ and #pocketoperator​"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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