MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Doris Norton

Showing posts sorted by date for query Doris Norton. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Doris Norton. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Doris Norton with the Roland CMU800

via bÖsch/@fabmass

"one more pic of Doris Norton with the Roland CMU800"

You can find previous posts featuring Doris Notron here.

Monday, April 10, 2017

17 Year Old Suzanne Ciani's Fish Music & More on Vinyl

Label: Finders Keepers Records

Fish Music is set to drop on Record Store Day, April 22.

Format: 7"

More Info:

"Crystal clear one-sided vinyl. Previously unheard recording of an early installation project from a 17-year-old Suzanne Ciani"

You can find more releases from Suzanne Ciani on Finders Keepers Records here.

The following are the other releases featuring Ciani's Buchla compositions, captured for the archives.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Roland CV Sequencer CMU-800 with Apple IIe

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
This is a fairly unique opportunity to get hold of a Roland CMU-800, and the computer required to run it, with an easy to use and space saving SD card floppy disk system, without having to spend months/years trying to put your own set-up together. Buy it all in one go and take all the ball ache out of the equation. Hook it up to your CV/Gate synths and start making music now.

Mint condition and working Roland CMU-800 8 channel CV/Gate Sequencer and manual,with built in 7 voice analogue drum machine supposedly similar to the TR-606.(I actually prefer the CMU's drums as they seem cleaner and snappier to me than the 606.The hats are also better in my opinion.

Also a very basic unfiltered 6 voice digitally generated synthesiser.(Actually quite useful for testing out compositions without having to fire up your precious vintage synths, and I'm sure I can hear these sounds on Doris Norton's Personal Computer album)The interface card is a clone I built myself and it works exactly as the original.

Plus it comes with an Apple IIe personal computer (rebuilt power supply)with SDISK II SD card floppy disk drive, so no bulky annoying 5.25" floppy disks or drives required.Working and in very good condition for it's age. I will supply this with 5 SD cards.

You treat each SD card as if they were 1 floppy disk. You use 1 SD card to load up the Sequencer, then you change SD cards and use another one for loading/saving your songs. Easy. And also easy to archive all your work. Just put the SD card in your computer and copy the file somewhere safe.Double easy.
You can also do the bulk of your programming on a PC based Apple II emulator(no sound or CV/Gate control possible of course) and then load that file up into the real thing for fine tuning and to see how it sounds.
(I may consider offering some spare parts(1 motherboard for spare chips/disk interface card and more) with this Apple IIe if you turn out to be a cool customer.This is totally at my discretion and is not guaranteed or offered as part of this auction.Contact me if you are interested in this proposition)

Also comes with a handy little 10" composite/vga monitor which is plenty big enough to work on and doesn't take up much room. This has a scratch on the front of the screen but it doesn't cause any problems during use of the sequencer software.This also comes with it's own power supply and composite lead.

If you build a complete song from start to finish then there are no problems that I have found, however, the loop function in the software can sound a little sluggish(at least to my ears) I'm guessing that this is because it takes time for the old 6502 to get back to bar 1 (a sloppy coded IRQ I suppose). Just put together a song by using the repeat command to repeat as many steps as is required (easy to do, and what this was really designed to for(the centre of your CV studio)).You also do the same for the internal rhythm channel if you are using that.That's about it for old school problems.(not a problem if you actually write a complete score)..."

Friday, April 13, 2012

[trailer] DORIS NORTON "RAPTUS" 2011 album reissue (30th Ann.Ed.) official

YouTube Uploaded by arkeopterex on Sep 21, 2011

Additional details on YouTube

You might remember Doris Norton from these previous posts:
Doris Norton
Doris Norton - Doris Norton Lab

I spotted the video above making the playlist below after reading this post on Computer Music Guide featuring her work for Apple. I featured the images in my previous post, but the music was not yet online, so I thought I'd put up a new post. via Computer Music Guide: "Long before U2 sold iPods, Apple’s first music “endorsement” was what you might have expected from a young computer company started by a couple of hackers: Doris Norton, an Italian-born musician-turned-producer whose pioneering compositions in avant-garde and progressive music were abetted by synthesizers like the Roland System 700, Roland system 100M and the Minimoog."


Doris Norton - Norton Apple Software
Doris Norton "A.D.A. Converter" 1984
Doris Norton "Personal Computer" 1984
Doris Norton - Computerized Anderson
Doris Norton - Don't Shoot At Animals (1983)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Il creatore - Ti illudi di guidare

YouTube via iosonoilcreatore.

Be sure to check out previously posted videos here.
"Tu ti illudi di guidare
ma in realtà tu sei una ruota
dentro questo meccanismo
così vasto e complicato
che è impossibile capire...

"Ti illudi di guidare" dal disco "La testa, che pensa?" 2007 pubblicato da Iperuranoaddizioni.
Il creatore ha suonato:
Sidstation, Commodore 64, Vocoders, Talk-box.


Doris Norton, Bruce Haack, Florian Schneider, Karl Bartos, Rob Hubbard,"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Doris Norton - Doris Norton Lab

YouTube via toyzonzo. via z.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Remember Doris Norton? Title link takes you to a couple of samples pulled via this auction. for one of here albums titled "NORTON COMPUTER FOR PEACE"

via Oli.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Doris Norton

Found this shot on VSE, and the following blurb and shot below on Discogs. If you know anything more about her, feel free to comment.
"She is the wife of Antonio Bartoccetti (Antonius Rex and Jacula) and the mother of Anthony Bartoccetti,best known as Rexanthony.
During the 80's she was sponsored by Apple Computer,and made a music program for IBM USA."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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