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Saturday, February 01, 2025


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"The compact OBERHEIM TEO-5 synthesizer resurrects the legendary analog-polyphonic sound of California...

#oberheim #teo5 #synthesizer

The OBERHEIM TEO-5 is a huge analog polyphonic synthesizer in the vein of the golden age of American synthesizers. We're talking about the legendary original designer, and the same architecture and circuitry that sculpted thick, memorable lines of American analog polysynth in the 70s and 80s.

But a lot happened along the way for us to see the OBERHEIM TEO-5 in its full glory today. Today, OBERHEIM is a revered brand that has regained its status as a rightful contemporary of that golden age of synthesizers.

Signature acronyms, premium electronics, and a huge sound

This sweeping instrument features the exclusive and visionary craftsmanship of Thomas Elroy Oberheim – TEO, hence the name of the device.

And one of the interesting strengths of the OBERHEIM TEO-5 is that it "perfectly combines classic analog warmth with the modern versatility that today's musicians demand", according to the brand's statements.

"I'm very proud to be able to create a synthesizer like this... Compact and affordable, the Oberheim sound for 2024", says Tom Oberheim, founder of the company that bears his name, as well as a legendary designer

In its mission to make Oberheim's classic tone palette "widely accessible", TEO-5 encapsulates decades of analog engineering experience on a musical instrument that is "as innovative as it is visionary."

The five voices of pure analog electronics in the OBERHEIM TEO-5

Thursday, January 23, 2025


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"Novation surprises with GFORCE BASS STATION -a new collaborative softsynth based on the original hardware, and free for many users of the brand's keyboards

[ESP] Novation sorprende con GFORCE BASS STATION -un nuevo softsinte de colaboraci贸n basado en el hardware original, y gratis para muchos usuarios de teclados de la marca

00:01 Intro: Electronic (Simon Galiffet)
02:09 Metal Dubstep (Zardonic)
03:05 Ambient (Jogging House - Bird Watch)
05:03 Cassette Chorus (Reverb Machine)
06:48 Garage (Olly B)
09:54 French House (Reverb Machine)
11:44 Electro (Alex Jann)
16:09 STEMS 1 - Tiny Melody (Square on Square)
16:29 STEMS 2 - Background Moods (Glass Chamber & Whale Sneeze)
16:49 STEMS 3 - High Freq Melody (Giants Fall)
17:18 STEMS 4 - No Arpeggiator (Whale Sneeze)
17:37 STEMS 5 - Bass (Rectangular Feels)
17:46 STEMS 6 - Accent (Square on Square)
17:56 Full Arrangement (no FX, as sent to the hardware mixer)
19:39 Outro"

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Introducing the multi/poly module: Next-Level Analog Modeling

video upload by Korg

"The multi/poly module brings the acclaimed power and versatility of the multi/poly synthesizer to a rack-mountable design, perfect for modern studio setups. Featuring redesigned, incredible-sounding filters and oscillators, this module pushes the boundaries of analog modeling to new depths."

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


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"Modal Electronics CARBON8 'experimental digital synthesizer' offers modern, innovative sounds combined with “premium craftsmanship” for cutting-edge synthesis

[ESP] El 'sintetizador digital experimental' Modal Electronics CARBON8 ofrece sonidos modernos e innovadores combinados con «una artesan铆a de primera calidad» para s铆ntesis de vanguardia

Timeline of demos
00:01 Fanfarre intro Modal CARBON8
00:22 Front panel
00:40 Back panel
01:00 Other 50 patches demos
19:14 End titles"

Tuesday, December 03, 2024


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"Korg has announced with great fanfare the release of four new microKORG2 sound packs, featuring completely exclusive programming for this versatile and popular best-selling synthesizer…

[ESP] Korg anuncia a bombo y platillo el lanzamiento de cuatro paquetes de sonidos microKORG2, con programaciones totalmente exclusivas para este vers谩til y popular sintetizador superventas…

00:01 microKORG1 Best Selection
01:54 Templates And Tutorials
03:32 BLINKSONIC Vol1 Classics
05:16 BLINKSONIC Vol1 Acoustic Feel
07:31 BLINKSONIC Vol1 Calm
11:00 BLINKSONIC Vol1 Hybrid
15:11 BLINKSONIC Vol2 Energic
18:51 BLINKSONIC Vol2 Wild
22:08 BLINKSONIC Vol2 Weird
25:48 BLINKSONIC Vol2 Basses

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


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"The world of synthesis gets a boost with the innovative Fred's Lab Manatee: A four-part multitimbral synthesizer with the power to transform sonic creativity"

"With its unique combination of synthesis algorithms and intuitive control panel, Fred's Lab Manatee is an agile and amazing tool for any producer or composer.

With its heralded spectral synthesis and multi-timbral/multi-part capability, this beautiful machine generates 16 voices (depending on the loaded preset ) and four parts , meaning great flexibility in terms of sound design power.

Manatee features a generator that combines the best of additive and wavetable synthesis architectures , inviting synthesists to agile exploration through innovative sonic textures (watch our video, above).

Initially a Kickstarter project (2023), the creative and experimental Fred's Lab Manatee is now available from retailers in limited quantities.

Advanced technology for exceptional sound
A wide range of modulation and synthesis tools make Fred's Lab Manatee a perfect instrument for any MPE (MIDI Expressive) controller . With a well-documented MIDI implementation, users will easily integrate it into their ecosystems, whether with hardware or DAW software . This total adaptability makes Manatee an invaluable resource for any experimental production environment.

Friday, June 21, 2024

馃敟馃幑 SEQUENTIAL PROPHET-5 Rev 4 -sintetizador anal贸gico VINTAGE (CL脥NIC INTERACTIVO) 馃幑馃敟

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Click CC in the player controls for closed captions.

"SEQUENTIAL PROPHET-5 Rev 4 es la resurrecci贸n del megacl谩sico sintetizador polif贸nico, junto a una versi贸n que duplica el n煤mero de voces en honor de Prophet-10. Sigue nuestro cl铆nic interactivo junto a Z铆gor L贸pez"

"SEQUENTIAL PROPHET-5 Rev 4 is the resurrection of the megaclassic polyphonic synthesizer, along with a version that doubles the number of voices in honor of Prophet-10. Follow our interactive clinic with Z铆gor L贸pez"

Saturday, May 25, 2024

馃敟馃幑 Expressive E NOISY 2 & OSMOSE -MPE heaven (SOUNDS DEMO, VST/ AU softsynth and MIDI keyboard) 馃幑馃敟

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"EXPRESSIVE E NOISY 2 and OSMOSE enable expressive physical modeling sounds plus MIDI MPE control never before experienced."

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

ARTURIA POLYBRUTE 12 -Music Demo NO TALKING (MegaSYNTH Superbooth 2024)

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"ARTURIA POLYBRUTE 12 is a 61-key polyphonic synthesizer with a FullTouch keyboard, stereo dual-filter architecture and near-infinite sound morphing capabilities that takes in-the-moment sonic expression to a whole new level.

[ESP] POLYBRUTE 12 es un sintetizador polif贸nico de 61 teclas con teclado FullTouch, arquitectura de doble filtro est茅reo y capacidades de transformaci贸n del sonido casi infinitas que llevan la expresi贸n s贸nica a un nivel completamente nuevo.

#polybrute #arturia #synthesizer #superbooth

Timeline on this video...
00:00:01 Intro to ARTURIA POLYBRUTE 12 music demo
00:00:10 Playing live sounds (line 1), Superbooth 2024, private room
00:03:57 Sound line 2 on POLYBRUTE 12 polisynth
00:05:49 Sound line 3
00:07:21 Sound line 4 on POLYBRUTE 12
00:10:21 Outro, links"

Monday, March 18, 2024

OBERHEIM OB-X8 -analog polysynth BEAST (MUSIC DEMO, no talking)

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"The great (and BIG!) Oberheim OB-X8 synth condenses the sonic power of the classics OB-X, OB-Xa and OB-8. This musical demo shows Z铆gor L贸pez at the controls..."

Thursday, March 14, 2024

馃敟馃幑 ¡Sinte ANAL脫GICO TOTAL! Oberheim OB-X8 - suma los cl谩sicos OB-X, OB-Xa y OB-8 馃幑馃敟

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"Oberheim OB-X8 condensa la potencia sonora de los sintetizadores cl谩sicos OB-X, OB-Xa y OB-8. Con Z铆gor L贸pez a los mandos, preg煤ntanos en vivo cuanto quieras..."


"Oberheim OB-X8 condenses the sonic power of the classic OB-X, OB-Xa and OB-8 synthesizers. With Z铆gor L贸pez at the controls, ask us live whatever you want..."

Saturday, January 20, 2024

SEQUENTIAL PRO 3 -analog/ digital synth (MUSIC DEMO, no talking)

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"The stunning SEQUENTIAL PRO 3 hybrid synthesizer unites the analog and digital worlds in a versatile, compact and richly expressive machine...

[ESP] El imponente sintetizador h铆brido SEQUENTIAL PRO 3 a煤na los mundos anal贸gico y digital en una m谩quina vers谩til, compacta y profusamente expresiva...

#sequential #sequentialpro3 #synth #analogsynth"

Thursday, November 16, 2023

馃敟馃幑 3 SIX of SEQUENTIAL (PROPHET-6, OB-6, TRIGON-6 - live clinic) 馃幑馃敟

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"Three BIG analog synths of SIX voices from the SEQUENTIAL brand are under our scope. And we receive our friend Chris Calcutt of Focusrite UK to solve this electronic maze. You can interact live with us, asking anything related you want. The session is translated both ways to and from english and spanish with Z铆gor L贸pez (Holmusic) and Jos茅 Antonio 脕lvarez (Future Music Spain).

[ESP] Tres GRANDES sintetizadores anal贸gicos de SEIS voces de la marca SEQUENTIAL est谩n bajo nuestro foco. Y recibimos a nuestro amigo Chris Calcutt de Focusrite UK para resolver este laberinto electr贸nico. Puedes interactuar en vivo con nosotros, preguntando cualquier cosa relacionada que desees. La sesi贸n est谩 traducida en ambos sentidos entre ingl茅s y espa帽ol con Z铆gor L贸pez (Holmusic) y Jos茅 Antonio 脕lvarez (Future Music Espa帽a).

Prophet-6, a winner's heritage / la herencia de un ganador

In the purest style of Dave Smith, Prophet-6 is a tribute to the classic polysynth of the 80s, but elevated to the category of electronic instrument of the 21st century, "the result of our effort to build the modern analog polysynth with the most incredible sound", in the words of the great designer.

The Sequential Circuits Prophet-6 synthesizer retains the best details of the vintage Prophet-5 - truly analog VCOs, filters and VCAs - and enriches them with advanced effects, a polyphonic step sequencer and other goodies.

[ESP] Al m谩s puro estilo de Dave Smith, Prophet-6 es un homenaje del cl谩sico polisinte de los 80, pero elevado a la categor铆a de instrumento electr贸nico del siglo XXI, "el resultado de nuestro esfuerzo para construir el polisinte anal贸gico moderno con el sonido m谩s incre铆ble", seg煤n las palabras del gran dise帽ador.

El sintetizador Sequential Circuits Prophet-6 conserva los mejores detalles del cl谩sico a帽ejo Prophet-5 -VCOs, filtros y VCAs aut茅nticamente anal贸gicos-, y los enriquece con efectos avanzados, un secuenciador polif贸nico por pasos y otras bondades.

Oberheim & Sequential OB-6: Analog power on every side / potencia anal贸gica por los cuatro costados

Developed in direct collaboration with Tom Oberheim, OB-6 takes its inspiration from this master's original designs to deliver "authentic vintage SEM tones with the stability and flexibility of modern technology".

The OB-6 architecture integrates two oscillators per voice plus a sub-oscillator, with saw, variable pulse and triangular waveforms (this only in OSC-2) – all of them continuously variable for greater harmonic diversity. Each voice passes through a 12dB multimode filter (with low-pass, -high, -band, and band-reject responses), inspired by the original SEM circuits. And of course, the analog route is completed with Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA).

[ESP] Desarrollado con la colaboraci贸n directa de Tom Oberheim, OB-6 toma su inspiraci贸n en los dise帽os originales de este maestro para ofrecer "aut茅nticos tonos a帽ejos SEM con la estabilidad y flexibilidad de la tecnolog铆a moderna".

La arquitectura de OB-6 integra dos osciladores por voz m谩s un sub-oscilador, con formas de onda sierra, pulso variable y triangular (茅sta s贸lo en OSC-2) –todas ellas continuamente variables para una mayor diversidad arm贸nica. Cada voz atraviesa un filtro multimodo de 12dB (con respuestas paso-bajo, -alto, -banda y -banda eliminada), inspirado en los circuitos SEM originales. Y por descontado, la ruta anal贸gica se completa con Amplificadores Controlados por Tensi贸n (VCA).

Trigon-6, the analog polysynth with three VCOs and ladder filter that excited Dave Smith
Trigon-6, el polisinte anal贸gico con tres VCO y filtro en escalera que entusiasm贸 a Dave Smith

Sequential Trigon-6 adds a unique stamp to the timeless sound of its family, with feedback, overdrive, and an innovative two-pole mode (12dB drop) over the ladder filter, "for greater versatility and width in your palette of tones". Its filter design is an evolution of the circuitry included in the successful Pro 3 synthesizer.

[ESP] Sequential Trigon-6 a帽ade un sello 煤nico al sonido atemporal de su familia, con realimentaci贸n, saturaci贸n, y un innovador modo de dos polos (ca铆da de 12dB) sobre el filtro en escalera, "para obtener una mayor versatilidad y amplitud en su paleta de tonos". Su dise帽o de filtro es una evoluci贸n de la circuiter铆a incluida en el exitoso sintetizador Pro 3."

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

SEQUENTIAL TRIGON-6 DESKTOP -new analog SYNTH beast! (SOUNDS DEMO, no talking)

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"The powerful TRIGON-6 DESKTOP polyphonic synthesizer brings a modern module version of the well-known authentic classic analog design – and pay attention to its MPE expressiveness!

[ESP] El potente sintetizador polif贸nico TRIGON 6 DESKTOP aporta una versi贸n moderna en m贸dulo del ya conocido dise帽o anal贸gico cl谩sico aut茅ntico –¡y atenci贸n a su expresividad MPE!

Multitrack demos by Peter Dyer and Drew Neumann. All sounds recorded directly from TRIGON-6 DESKTOP, with only occasional light limiting and no additional processing. Special thanks to the entire sound design and audio demo team, including Peter Dyer, Drew Neumann, Julian Pollack, Matia Simovich and James Terris."

NOVATION SUMMIT (Music Demo, sound design from FutureMusic media[LAB])

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"A two-part hybrid engine with up to 16 voices unleashes the analog-digital power of NOVATION SUMMIT, with a high-quality keyboard over five octaves… Check this music demo of the producer and synthesist Z铆gor L贸pez, recorded live from FutureMusic media[LAB] Spain.

[ESP] Un motor h铆brido de dos partes con hasta 16 voces desata la potencia anal贸gico-digital de NOVATION SUMMIT, con un teclado de alta calidad de cinco octavas… Mira esta demo musical del productor y sintesista Z铆gor L贸pez, grabada en vivo desde FutureMusic media[LAB ] Espa帽a."

Sunday, December 12, 2021

WALDORF KYRA Synthesizer Demo (JayB Progressive Tracks) - Free patches available

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"JayB has signed a great and free patches bank for WALDORF KYRA -available at the official website. Hear them in action on these progressive/trance demo tracks!

[ESP] JayB ha firmado un fabuloso banco de presets gratis para WALDORF KYRA -disponible gratis en el sitio web oficial. ¡Esc煤chalos en acci贸n en estos temas demo trance/ progressive!

00:00:01 - Track 1 - Hope Intro
00:00:31 - Track 2 - Virus Alliance
00:01:32 - Track 3 - Labyrinth
00:02:17 - Track 4 - Remember That Times
00:03:04 - Track 5 - Calm Coast
00:03:52 - Track 6 - Mistery Cop
00:04:26 - Track 7 - Remember Supernova
00:05:22 - Track 8 - Pulse Dancefloor
00:05:49 - Track 9 - TranceNation
00:06:17 - Track 10 - Rollercoaster Spirit"

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Behringer CAT Synthesizer -only playing

Premiered 53 minutes ago

"The new Behringer CAT Synthesizer is based on the retro synth OCTAVE The Cat. Here you can hear some lines of the new machine. The availabiliy is expected on first 2020 quarter for about 300$."

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Novation PEAK: Cocinando Sonidos - Tres PADS o colchones

Published on Dec 7, 2019

"Hoy dise帽amos ante tus ojos tres sonidos de Pads o colchones, desde lo m谩s sencillo a lo complejo y enrevesado, sin olvidarnos de los sonidos tipo cuerdas. Y en la tarea, nada como tener a mano Novation PEAK, un fabuloso sintetizador h铆brido polif贸nico con osciladores vers谩tiles."

"Today we design before your eyes three sounds of Pads or mattresses, from the simplest to the complex and convoluted, without forgetting the string-like sounds. And in the task, nothing like having Novation PEAK on hand, a fabulous polyphonic hybrid synthesizer with versatile oscillators. "

Monday, November 25, 2019

Behringer Introduces the POLY D - 4 Voice Paraphonic Polyphonic Minimoog Keyboard Synthesizer

Published on Nov 24, 2019 BEHRINGER

Apparently Behringer is on Amazon now.

Update2: Playlist with three user videos (you can skip around on the top right or bottom left):

Sonic Lab: Behringer Poly D! - sonicstate
Behringer Poly D -solo sonidos / only sounds -
Behringer POLY D - MrFirechild
Behringer POLY D: Review, Tutorial and Patch Ideas // Auto-damp explained - loopop

Update: post updated with larger pics. Click them for the detail.

Note the POLY D is more like a Mono/Poly in how you stack/route the oscillators. There are 4 VCOs, so you can set them to trigger one at a time for 4 voice paraphonic polyphony. Paraphonic in that they share the same filter, envelopes, etc. You can't have a fully separate voice with independent filters, envelopes, etc like on a truly polyphonic synth. This is not a Memormoog or Moon One. That said, it is a step ahead of a standard Minimoog - 4 vs 3 VCOs with the ability to play paraphonically. If it's light enough, you might even be able to kick back on a couch with it. An original Minimoog on the lap would get heavy fast.

Side note: Apparently Behringer is on Amazon now.

Details from Behringer:

"Analog 4-Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer with 37 Full-Size Keys, 4 VCOs, Classic Ladder Filter, LFO, BBD Stereo Chorus, Distortion, 32-Step Sequencer and Arpeggiator"

The 1970s spawned the first truly portable analog synthesizer, and while it was quickly adopted by lots of renowned musical artists including Jan Hammer, Chick Corea, Rick Wakeman, Jean-Michel Jarre, Isao Tomita and Keith Emerson to name a few, it was somewhat temperamental and very expensive. An ultra-affordable homage to that iconic synthesizer, with all the features of the original and then some, the Behringer POLY D lets you conjure up virtually any monophonic or polyphonic sound imaginable with incredible finesse and ease. The pure analog signal path is based on authentic VCO, VCF, VCA and ladder filter designs in conjunction with a dedicated and fully analog triangle/square wave LFO. Owning a POLY D is like having your own personal time machine, enabling you to freely embrace the past – or shape the future!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

SINTETIZADORES Superbooth 2019 -seis modelos destacados

Published on May 14, 2019

"#Sintetizadores en #Superbooth 2019
Seleccionamos seis modelos destacados de este a帽o..."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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