Published on Jan 7, 2013 blwvideo·37 videos
"This shows some examples of the Q106 modulating a filter and another oscillator at audio rate frequencies. It it in response to a specific question about LFO's and may not be of interest to"
Showing posts sorted by date for query blwvideo. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query blwvideo. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Monday, January 07, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Published on Dec 31, 2012 blwvideo·35 videos
"Recorded with and Moon modules, along with a TG33 (I think), ES2, a clarinet, and snare."
"Recorded with and Moon modules, along with a TG33 (I think), ES2, a clarinet, and snare."
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Dream Sequence: Dotcom + Zerosum Inertia
Published on Dec 29, 2012 blwvideo·34 videos
"Modular synth sequence using mainly modules and the Zerosum Inertia Haxor."
Friday, December 28, 2012
String Theory: Dotcom Modular
Published on Dec 28, 2012 blwvideo·33 videos
"Recorded in Dec 2011 using modular and ES2 for strings, etc."
"Recorded in Dec 2011 using modular and ES2 for strings, etc."
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Putte's Sequence: Dotcom Q119 + Moon 563
Published on Dec 23, 2012 by blwvideo
"8-step sequence with Q119 and Moon 563, 565, and 565d."
"8-step sequence with Q119 and Moon 563, 565, and 565d."
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Ziiiiiii: Dotcom + Zerosum Inertia
YouTube Published on May 20, 2012 by blwvideo
"Modular synth patch using Q106's and Zerosum Intertia modules. Sequence generated with CGS01 sub-oscillator."
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bug Music: Double Deka VCO as Modulator
YouTube Published on Apr 26, 2012 by blwvideo
"A series of clips from a session tinkering with the SSL/Ian Fritz Double Deka modulating a pair of Dotcom Q106 oscillators and Q107 filter. I also included the CGS01 Suboscillator in the mix. There isn't any audio from the DD in this one. Many thanks to my 5U forum friends for the nice handful of patching tips I picked up today." Q106 + Q107
YouTube Published on Apr 26, 2012 by blwvideo
"This is a demonstration of the two Dotcom VCO's with a Q107 State Variable Filter for Mr. "Flux Jetson." A handful of EG's modulate the filter, and a Q112 Mixer is used to mix the filter outputs. That's it, aside for a spring reverb I patch in towards the end."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Eight Notes: Q106 + STG Sea Devils Filter
YouTube Uploaded by blwvideo on Mar 27, 2012
"This is a eight note sequence repeated again and again and again . . . It's voice is comprised of two cross-modulated Dotcom Q106's and an STG Sea Devils Filter. Not your thing? Hey, they can't all be "zimmifryl (abridged)," baby!"
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
This Video May Ruin Your Roast!
YouTube Uploaded by blwvideo on Jul 7, 2011
"Just another sequence with the same patch as before. Anyone who can identify the opening clip wins a pat on the head, but you have terrible taste in movies!"
Maas-Rowe Vibrachime through STG Sea Devils Filter
Uploaded by blwvideo on Jun 4, 2011
"This is my new carillon, first with a dry signal and then lightly processed through my synth. Apologies to your eardrums for my cludgy playing. I really like this instrument. It has a wonderfully rich tone.
PS. Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a synth case standing on its side. Thanks for noticing. [smirk]"
Monday, November 02, 2009
Meh . . . Another Synthesizer Video and My Cat Plays Synth Better than Me!
YouTube via blwvideo
"This piece was commissioned by the late Boris Yeltsin--rest in peace, comrade--to commemorate the fall of communism and ponder the psychosexual implications of corn dogs. To address these subjects, I modulate a sequence with, um, another sequence via the Sea Devils Filter FM input. Great filter, maybe not-so-great performance."
Tags: STG Soundlabs Sea Devils Filter modular synthesizer Modcan Doepfer Schaltwerk Dotcom
My Cat Plays Synth Better than Me!
"My secret weapon for all two of my synthesizer videos is my cat, Buddy, who is a synthesizer virtuoso. He agreed to share one of his amazing jams with us. First he takes a stab at horror film fx, and then he goes slow and sultry with one of his more jazzy grooves."
Monday, August 24, 2009 Q106 Sync Effect
YouTube via blwvideo
"This video is primarily intended as a comparison to an earlier one I posted today.
This is a stripped down version of the other video, consisting only of Q106 oscillators. There are no filters, VCA's, envelopes, sequencers, or other modules involved, just Q106's with me playing the same notes as before, straight into the mixer and recorded in Logic.
I wanted to offer this version in part to demo the sync effect, which I think is cool, and to better illustrate what the STG filter adds to the patch in the other video.
The patch involves two Q106's with identical settings, except that one is hard synced and one is soft synced to a pulse wave from a third Q106, with the pulse width being modulated by a fourth Q106 acting as an LFO. The third and fourth 106's aren't being used for audio. No other processing is added.
My apologies for the messed up timing in the slide show!"
Sequential Circuits PROPHET VS Rack
via this auction
YouTube via blwvideo
"This is a quick video showing the condition of the Prophet VS I am offering for sale. I am demonstrating that the numeric keys work fine, since this is a common fault with the units, and giving a tour of the cosmetic wear. Thanks!"
YouTube via blwvideo
"This is a quick video showing the condition of the Prophet VS I am offering for sale. I am demonstrating that the numeric keys work fine, since this is a common fault with the units, and giving a tour of the cosmetic wear. Thanks!"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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