MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for motobor

Showing posts sorted by date for query motobor. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query motobor. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, January 05, 2025

#Jamuary2025 day 5 - Circuit Tracks + Norns & Rachim

video upload by motobor

"Day 5 of jamuary and already struggling a bit. I got lost in the norns script library and testes a lot of scripts - some need other gear to work that I don't have and some need a lot of manual reading and learning. Stumbled on this nice orchestral script and made this darker piece."

Thursday, January 02, 2025

#Jamuary2025 day 2 - Norns explortion

video upload by motobor

"It's been a while since I've made any videos, but this year I want to get back into it. I built this Norns over the summer but haven't had the chance to get to know it. This script is called o-o-o, quite nice generative sequencer and fm synth.

I have set some goals for myself this Jamuary:

Get back into the habit of making music
Set up my studio again (I upgraded my studio space)
Experiment with and learn the gear
Have fun! - that's the most important part"

Monday, May 20, 2024

Erica Synths Bullfrog Drums. #superbooth 2024

video upload by motobor

"Had the opportunity to try the early prototype of Erica Synths' Bullfrog Drums.
This is going to be a top pick for drum machines once it's out. It's a sample-based drum machine with seven tracks, a simple interface, and an easy-to-use sequencer. Not much info is available yet, but watch for the official release."

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Torso Electronics S-4 sampler #superbooth 2024

video upload by motobor

"This is one instrument that definitely needs more time to explore and learn than the 20min that I spent with it. For sample based music creation, this will be a must to consider for adding to your setup. 4 track sample sculpting machine with deep modulation possibilities and poly modes make this into a very versatile instrument."

Erica Synths Steampipe - #superbooth24

video upload by motobor

"Check out my 10-minute jam with the Erica Synths Steampipe prototype. I really got into it when I discovered those awesome long scape and pad sounds. The reverb section is a standout feature and plays big part for achieving the result I got. While this synth is designed for wind instrument sounds, I was able to coax some unique tones from it too.#EricaSynths #Steampipe #Soundscapes #SynthSounds #Superbooth24 #superbooth"

Body Synths Metal Fetishist #superbooth 2024

video upload by motobor

"Metal Fetishism is an awesome synth for powerful percussive sounds, bass, and drones. It's got easy-to-use controls for shaping the sound. Plus, its random looping sequencer brings cool changes to your sounds and rhythms.

Want to know more? Visit their website:"

Cyma Forma ALT soundscape synthesizer #Superbooth 2024

video upload by motobor

"I had this on my must-see list for Superbooth. After watching a demo video a few days before, I was excited to check it out. It lived up to my expectations! I had a blast trying it and only wish I could have spent more time with it."

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Playing and sampling with Circuit Rhythm and Peak - #MadeWithNovation

video upload by motobor

"All sounds are designed in Peak and sampled to Rhythm"

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Circuit Tracks meets MiRack

video upload by motobor

"Wanted to experiment with some compact setups. This time I connected circuit tracks to Ipad and used MiRack to sequence the Tracks synths and used midi tracks to sequence one synth on the mirack and also trigger some randomisatsion on there. MiRack has lots of options to send and recive midi. As the Tracks is connected to the ipad over USB then it is easy to map mirack modul knobs to the tracks.
If there is intrest how to set this up I can make another detailed video about it."

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Microphonic Soundbox sampling with #circuitrhythm

video upload by motobor

"This is quick demo video of the microphonic soundbox that I built for a client. It's fun to search sounds in different materials and objects and get unexpected results. Some thing sound way better than expected and some things make quite boring sound.

I know, the light batteries died by the end of the video."

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Circuit Rhythm sine wave challenge

video upload by motobor

"Set myself a challenge to make a track on the Circuit Rhythm with only one sine wave sample. All the sounds are made and processed using only Rhythm functions and no other external processing. Input sample is just one short piece of sine wave that you can hear in the beginning of the video."

Circuit Rhythm sine wave challenge jam

Friday, April 22, 2022

Novation Circuit Tracks getting Arp help from LaunchKey Mini mk3

video upload by motobor

"Trying out LaunchKey Mini mk3 with Circuit Tracks. Launchkey arp section open up new creative possibilities for idea creation."

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Jamming with Erica Synths LXR-02, MB33 and Circuit Tracks

video upload by motobor

"Trying out some new gear. Erica Synths LXR-02 is a nice compact drum machine / synth, capable of producing wide range of sounds - from classic classic drum sounds to weird blips and bloops."

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Jamming with Circuit Rhythm and Korg Volca Drum, making a track from scratch

video upload by motobor

"Making a track from scratch with Volca Drum and Circuit Rhythm. All sounds generated by the Volca Drum and sampled to Rhythm"

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Track from scratch with Korg opsix and Novation Circuit Rhythm

video upload by motobor

"All sounds are from OPsix factory patches and sampled to Novation Circuit Rhythm
Tried to keep is short as possible, but still almost 10 minutes. Need to be faster on the buttons."

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Compact techno setup with Novation Circuit Tracks, MAM MB33 and Korg Volca Kick

video upload by motobor

"First video for 2022. Took some time off with the videos around the christmas and now getting back on the track."

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Erica Synths Zen Delay with Novation Circuit Tracks and Rhythm

video upload by motobor

"Testing out Erica Synths Zend Delay. Really nice delay with unique features.
The filter part is really nice to cut out the muddy low end on endless delays."

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Circuit Tracks and MB33 acid techno jam

video upload by motobor

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wonky techno jam with Dreadbox Typhon and Novation Circuit Tracks

video upload by motobor

"Got myself a Dreadbox Typhon to test out and play with. I like the Typhons one knob envelope time controll. This is really good to use in live sets."

Friday, October 15, 2021

Techno jam - Looping and sampling with NOVATION PEAK & RHYTHM

video upload by motobor

"All sounds are generated within PEAK and then sampled to Rhythm for looping and manipulation."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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