MATRIXSYNTH: ::vtol:: silk - crypto currency tracking string music instrument

Monday, September 14, 2015

::vtol:: silk - crypto currency tracking string music instrument

::vtol:: silk from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

"The installation is tracking the real time changes in the market activities related to cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin – independent and uncontrolled by any state peer-to-peer payment systems. Constantly changing currency rate of of Bitcoin against major world currencies is influencing the strain of strings in installation and the way the picks are hitting them. The robotic system of the artwork is directed by a computer algorithm: influenced by dynamic changes of data, the installation sounds like a complex sound instrument.

Technically, the installation consists of two poles of 2 meters height. Each stand sprouts 5 diagonal strings which correspond to 5 currencies (US dollar, Yuan, Euro, Canadian dollar and Russian ruble). These strings are pulled on special automatic tuners moved by stepper motors directed by computer algorithm. Each motor features high precision of movement, which allows very precise tuning of string even with quite insignificant changes of parameters.

more info -

the project is co-commissioned by Laboratoria Art&Science Space and Lykke AG

Moscow, 2015"

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