MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for EAR - Electro Acoustic Research July 29 2005

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Showing posts sorted by date for query EAR - Electro Acoustic Research July 29 2005. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2005

EAR - Electro Acoustic Research

In via AH:

July 29 2005

contact: Steve Rightnour
323 988 9677
877 300 2228 (US)

Announcing Electro Acoustic Research


Electro-Acoustic Research (EAR) is a consortium of modular synth
designers based in southern California.
EAR will be the distributor and customer service arm for modular synth
product manufacturers including Plan B, Livewire and Oakley Sound.

EAR is excited to re-release Legacy modules by Tony Allgood and
Synthasystem designs by Nyle Steiner.
Future plans include releasing all product in both Eurorack and MOTM
format and a full line of cabinets and custom enclosures both live
performance and studio installations.

To mark this occasion, each manufacturer is announcing the release of
the following modules:

Livewire -

Dual Cyclotron
FrequenSteiner (authorized exclusive re-release of the SYNTHASYSTEM
multimode filter)

Oakley Sound -

Octal Resonator
State Variable Filter

(EAR is the the exclusive licensed manfacturer for Oakley Sound in
Eurorack and MOTM formats)

Plan B -

Model 12 State Variable Vactrol Filter
Model 13 Dual Timbral Gates
Model 17 Event Timer

Estimated availability for the EAR line of products is Fall 2005.

Visit the EAR website for details!

*models available in MOTM format with components too large for
adaptation will not be available in Eurorack format

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