MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Ebe Oke

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Showing posts sorted by date for query Ebe Oke. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fantasia for Buchla 200 Synthesizer: Recorded at EMS Elektronmusikstudion

video upload by Ebe Oke

Buchla & Halldorophone Improvisation at EMS Studio, Stockholm

video upload by Ebe Oke

"Recently I had an amazing time immersing myself in the world of modular synthesis at the renowned EMS studio in Stockholm, Sweden. 🇸🇪 Here is a short document of arranged improvisations on the mind-bending Buchla synthesizer and a stringed beast known as the Halldorophone. I’ll be returning to EMS later this year as a composer in residence.

The Buchla modular synth, born out of Don Buchla’s visionary mind in the 1960s, is a testament to pushing the boundaries of sound creation. Unlike traditional instruments, it ditches the conventional keyboard and focuses on generating entirely new sounds. The patching system offers an expansive range of tonal possibilities, while the metallic touchplates enable unique tunings of these sounds.

And let’s talk about the Halldorophone for a moment! This fascinating instrument, a brainchild of Halldór Úlfarsson, opens up a whole new realm of expressive possibilities. This instrument played similarly to a cello utilises a positive feedback loop as a key element in generating its sound. By amplifying and routing the vibrations of each string through the instrument’s internal speaker, one can manipulate the gain of each string in the feedback loop, resulting in wild and unpredictable surprises.

Thank you, EMS, for fostering a creative haven for research and discovery. I’m counting down the days until I’m back in the studio! 🧡"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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