MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Jan Tuitman

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Showing posts sorted by date for query Jan Tuitman. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2024

The novation summit is so fun to jam on…

video upload by Jan Tuitman

"I haven’t been recording this synth a lot, but rest assured, no week goes by without me playing at least one night on the #novationsummit , my biggest synth and also the one I love the most. When I have some serious time to invest I very often try to battle one of my grooveboxes because then it is composing time, trying to come op with a whole piece of music. But when I do not have that much time the Summit is a relieve, a happy place where you always can go and nothing will sound bad.
I maybe I can integrate the Summit more into workflows, use the super powers of the Summit more in productions, for example by sampling patches from it into groove boxes and use it over there, or by sequencing it. But I am perfectly happy with the fact that right now I am not at all doing that yet right now. Because it allows me to enjoy the Summit with my ears and with my fingers (my playing skills are very minimal but they are extending now I am having such a big keyboard in my living room). This is all very good for me learning real things about music, and putting it in every piece that I make would make the learning curve harder. So I go easy on my self. After all, music is a hobby for me."

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