MATRIXSYNTH: Native Instruments Maschine Demo Performance by NuVintage

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Native Instruments Maschine Demo Performance by NuVintage

YouTube via NativeInstruments
"Kenny and Noel of acclaimed producer duo NuVintage show some of the advanced real-time capabilities of Native Instruments' new groove production studio "Maschine" at NAMM 2009.

For more videos on Maschine, visit"


  1. This thing just upped the game for real time computer control.

  2. I'm not really interested in getting one, but I think you're way off there, acrodot. Not sure why you think it's pure crap, why urban deserves scare quotes, why them targeting something towards a major music genre deserves derision, etc. Watching those guys do everything they do there with minimum keyboard/mouse usage, that alone is worth something. Computers and soft synths are brilliant tools, but I find the typical interface to be a major con. Playing with how we might come up with different interfaces for this stuff is a worthwhile pursuit, and the price is quite reasonable. Makes sense to me.


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