MATRIXSYNTH: Moog Song Producer

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Moog Song Producer

Update: Interesting comment in from Bohus Blahut:
"These aren't actually rare at all. I've seen them on Ebay dozens of times. I think that I got mine for $30 a few years back. I haven't used it yet (know how that feels?), but it is an amazing package. The thing that wouod make it even more amazing is if Moog had ever come out with the device mentioned in the manual; an analog sound module. How hip would that be?"

That would be pretty hip. : )

Interesting bit of gear up on the *bay. Title link takes you the auction pictures saved for posterity. I found this via the C64 Blog. Pretty interesting piece.

Notes from the auction:
A super-rare Moog Song Producer MIDI and Trigger interface for the Commodore 64, with sequencing and MIDI-processing software. The Moog Song Producer boasts:

· 1 MIDI in

· 1 MIDI thru

· 4 (!) MIDI outs

· 8 drum trigger outs

· 2 Footswitch ins

· 1 Clock/sync in

· 1 Clock/sync out

Wow! That means the Song Producer’s capable of interfacing your MIDI and pre-MIDI gear. What’s most amazing about this package, though, is that it’s mint in box. Just check out the photos. It comes complete, with:

· Song Producer hardware interface

· Connection cable (it plugs into the Commodore 64’s expansion port)

· Ring-bound manual with software disk

· Original warranty card

· Technical service information leaflet (includes schematic, picture of circuit-board layout and complete parts-list)

· Quick-start/introductory guide

· Service-locations poster/leaflet

· Original quality-control slip (yes, it passed!)

In its condition (immaculate), the Moog Song Producer simply makes a great piece of memorabilia (as one person said: “I cannot imagine anything with a higher coolness factor: Something for the Commodore 64 with the Moog logo.”), but I used it with its supplied software. Perhaps most excitingly, though, is the possibility that – with the detailed technical information included – a competent C64 programmer could use it to control the C64’s SID chip through MIDI, as it just runs on a stock Commodore with a stock interface (the cartridge – ‘expansion’ – port).


  1. I think I NEED this. I'm guessing it won't go for <$300 now that it's on this site and blogspot. But still, just Imagine:
    Commodore64 --> MOOG song Producer -->
    Casio FZ20m --> Hipsters EVERYWHERE.

  2. It looks like these things are still going pretty cheap on ebay, but a lot of them do not have the software. I would be happy to host a disc image and scans of the documentation if somone made them.

  3. Contact me through myspace ( if you are interested in having me host the abovementioned stuff.


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