MATRIXSYNTH: The Moog Cookbook

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Moog Cookbook

J-chot is on a mission to spread The Moog Cookbook goodness. He sent me a few good links below. If you haven't heard of them, and you are a synth fan, they are definitely worth checking out. They did a number of covers including modern and classic rock all with classic analogs and a couple of classic digitals including the DKS Synergy and... The Con Brio ADS200! To give perspective on this, according to the New England Synthesizer Museum there were only three Con Brio ADS200s manufactured and only one sold. Think about that... Move over GX1.

According to the last news (2000) posted on Moog Cookbook site (title link), the duo have been keeping busy doing some remixes for others, working with Beck and playing with AIR. Apparently they are in bits of a documentary titled, "Eating Sleeping Waiting Playing" featuring AIR. Pay attention folks, lots of nuggets worth checking out in this post and these sites.

J-chot's favorite shot of them (yep, that is one cool shot).

"can't BELIEVE you guys haven't done a piece on my favorite electronic band the moog cookbook! They were a two piece keyboard group band that did covers of songs in the late 90's with nothing but an array of beautiful vintage synthesizers. They made two AMAZING albums and then disappeared without a trace. Inside the cover booklet of each album was a list of all the synths they used on each song! I SUPER reccomend that you buy these albums. their live shows were supposed to be amazing as each of them were supposedly keyboard wizards. and guess what else? they were big in japan! I'm not surprised at all... It's sad that they disapeared though... they do an AMAZING cover/remix of Air's "Kelly watch the stars" if you can find it.. (oh trust me it's worth the search)

My fav pic of them:

Home page:


some of their GEAR:

more gearand band pics:

here's a little piece by the synth museum:

here's a music video:

there's other little bits and pieces floating around.... but you NEED to educate the world about The Moog Cookbook! [consider it done!] : )


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