MATRIXSYNTH: The Mini Open Labs Miko

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Mini Open Labs Miko

Title link takes you there. Ok, this looks pretty sexy. Credit when credit is due: via Music Thing.


  1. What a joke. It's a friggin computer! Just buy a real PC! Probably cheaper.

  2. Kind of. I'm finding that the whole softsynth on laptop thing really isn't doing it for me. Something like this might, but... The price would have to come way down for me. What would be cool would be a detachable tablet on this so you can swap it in and out as you need.

  3. there is a market for every idiot under the sun

    would i buy something like this? hell no.. but then again i know better

    probably cheaper to build a PC yourself - in the long run, anyways

    oh but that takes time and effort!! wah wah wah

    maybe you can just make a bunch of songs out of your bitching and moaning and whining and crying and call it "the blues" or something

  4. Build one yourself...have you looked at the spec? You can't even buy the parts and build it for what they are selling it for.

    On the other hand, I bet your version will look "really cool" too...

    you're a joke. come back when you actually know what you are talking about.

    If you think this is just a computer, then you won't know what to do with something like thing even if it was given to you.

    But then you probably think beat mixing 2 MP3's together makes you an accomplished musician.


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