MATRIXSYNTH: Two Notrons, a Serge and a Fenix Modular...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Two Notrons, a Serge and a Fenix Modular...

walk into a bar, and...

meet a couple o' little TB ladies. The Serge says, "see, hear, and feel the power of my wave (on top)" The Fenix says "I filter the crap out of your wave." The Notrons? "Shut up and dance, slaves. Mr. Tape recorder, start rollin."

Shot sent my way via mrcarp. Click on the shot for its full glory. Thanks Mr. Carp!


  1. Several comments pop in to my mind:

    Cowboy modular??

    What's that thing above the TBs?

    I wish all my gear looked as cool as those tape recorders.

    This is just not fair!

  2. Wow...thats about $30,000 of modular synthy goodness!

  3. yeah, that was my guess, as well.. delicious!

  4. What's the top module in the left-hand Serge cabinet? It looks like it's got knobs or jacks or something in a sine wave pattern... I've never seen anything like it. Homebrew maybe?

  5. Hmmm.

    Those notrons would work better if they were hooked up properly.

    I generally like to have the power cord and midi cables hooked up at the same time.


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