MATRIXSYNTH: EMS Synthi 100 on the Bay

Friday, May 26, 2006

EMS Synthi 100 on the Bay

That's one heck of a mod matrix.

Title link takes you to shots pulled from this auction.

Electronic Music Studios (EMS) Synthi 100 Analogue Synthesizer in pristine condition. The Synthi 100 is fitted with two patch panels with two 60x60 matrix boards, one for the signals and one for the voltages.
This is a list with the modules:

12 x Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
x Noise Generator.
3 x Ring Modulator.
4 x Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter.
4 x Voltage Controlled High Pass Filter.
3 x Trapezoid Envelope Generator.
2 x Voltage Controlled Reverberation.
Octave Filter Bank
Slew limiter.
Envelope Follower.
Pitch to Voltage Converter.
8 x Input Amplifier.
9 x Stereo Output Amplifier.
2 x Joysticks.
2 x5 Octave Dynamic Keyboards.
3 256 Step Digital Sequencer.
Oscilloscope (not on the picture).
Frequency meter counter.

Starting Bid of 60k.

This one via Michael Tritter.


  1. Isn't it strange that the Synthi 100 is listed as being in upstte NY but the sellers other items are in Illinois? Also, this is OLD news, this guy's listed this Synthi 100 on Ebay many, many times now. He ain't never gonna sell it.

  2. Yeah, it seems to come up every month or two. I think this is the third run I've seen. Odd that I hadn't posted it yet.

  3. I hate to think what the shipping for that would be.

  4. Well even assuming its genuine who has got that kind of money and space, aside from the super rich?
    But on a more serious note much as I am a big fan of EMS gear the Synthi 100 is a bit of a monster. The strengh of the matrix patching system is not only the ability to patch everything to anything but also to see instantly what is going on. When you get to such a big matrix I wonder if that is true anymore. Also look closley at the specs and you see that the synthi 100 is really 4 VCS3's with a couple of other bits and bobs thrown in.

  5. I want it. But, one good virtual emulation should be very fabtastic...
    Matrix, this a new post on comparison between Ems Avs and Ems Synthi Aks by ores303.
    Here are the modifications of the Ems :
    It possesses all the modifications proposed by EMS in the 70s: - modif. on the reverb - modif. on the envellope cad that we can activate(start) a sequence by pressing on the red button - inversion of tensions: with 4 reversers, the sound is to play has to, exellent for news(short stories) sound creations –
    - Synchronization 3 oscillateurs which allows to controler chaqun of them independently, this modif. allows to create sounds very complex impossible with a normal aks - modif. on the forms of waves in particular on the third to oscillateur which allows to explode the sound - finally, great pleasure, The aks is entirement CV and Gate, cad that it is completely midi via a kenton kit kind(genre) pro solo or pro on 2000.

  6. yay for 10 cent listing day!

    I hear the Synthi 100 has pitch to CV converters.

    Who makes pitch to CV converters anymore? This is a killer module I need.

    I bid on a Gentle Electric (same module as in the Serge's discontinued module), but alas did not get it by a zillion bucks.

    Anyone making pitch->cv converters?

  7. Thanks deb7680, new post is up. The AVS does sound nice.

  8. I think Jack Dangers has one of these. Is this his?
    Hum...on second thought, I remember MBM's having a "green eye" (oscilloscope) in the center console. Still, it's not out of the question for these guys to be selling their massive, archaic gear. Bill Leeb (of Frontline Assembly) sold his grey Arp 2600 a couple months ago on da' bay.

  9. "these guys to be selling their massive, archaic gear."
    yeah, esp since there's so much variety in modern modulars these days.

  10. I think this person's actually just a vintage pro audio dealer. He probably has no personal attachment from use at all. I think he started the auction at 100K before. Maybe someone can get it from him at his estate sale, cause "He ain't never gonna sell it" at that price.

  11. Pinkus, what would you do with a Synthi 100?

  12. Apparently one of these was used at BBC Radiophonic on the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy! (probably the radio show, which is a bit different than the TV show).

  13. What would be a decent price for this?
    I think the price isn't that weird when i check the prices listed at ems-rehberg.

  14. I wonder if this is the Synthi 100 that EMS exported to the States, and then couldn't sell it! and to make matters worse, couldn't afford the shipping costs back to the U.K. if it is, it's a bit of a cheek trying to sell it, I think the guy who is trying to sell it should set up a Museum, or charge people just to look at it, maybe he'd make some money that way, cos he ain't gonna sell it, if I had that sort of money, I'd far rather buy

  15. Cont.

    a Moog Modular, or even an EMU Modular, but this is just too much money, the current price of a Synthi A is around £2000 x 4 = Synthi 100.


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