MATRIXSYNTH: Roland Juno-60 - New Flickr Shots

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Roland Juno-60 - New Flickr Shots

flickr by fibra.


  1. Hey Matrix, I don't mean to sound disrespectful cause I love your site, but I don't get why every time a new synth pic shows up on Flickr it has to be posted here. Are people emailing you these or are you sitting around surfing flickr all day long waiting for more synth pics to come in?

  2. Hey Matrix,
    Thanks for surfing Flickr for me. I don't have enough time between reading your site and writing dumb comments to do it on my own time. If I want to see what you enjoy to see, I'll click the link, otherwise I have found a way to scroll past it; quite ingenious really.

    Please post more stuff that I would enjoy, because I enjoy what I enjoy and I need someone to post it for me for me to know if I enjoy it or not.


  3. It's all a moot point. The Juno 60 is a great synth & should be viewed at every chance.

  4. They come to me either directly through people or via an RSS feed I subscribe to. I used to put EVERYTHING up because not much was going up and I found it interesting to see what people out there were posting. When more started coming in I started to consider filtering stuff, but every now and then I'd put something up that would have been filtered just to see the reaction. Most of the time someone was interested and commented. The Casio HT6000 post is a great example. So... Now I try to keep it limitted to one post per set of flickr shots leaving it up to you to go and see the others, but... I sometimes make an exception when the shots or content really is stellar like devowski's graffiti.

    Also every time I question putting these up I get an email from someone telling me they love the site and the Flickr shots. It's actually kind of weird. The cool thing about them is they are quick and simple. I actually try to keep all of my posts super short and simple so you don't get frustrated with the amount of stuff I put up. With super long content I just find myself glazing over. So I try not to do that. Remember the point of these shots are to just look and move on - don't dwell on them unless you find them interesting. If you don't find the shot or post interesting then just say whatever and move on until you see something you like. Every know and then I put something up that I don't think anyone will care about and all of a sudden the comments take off. It's simple. Different people have different interests.

    So far compliments on the Flickr shots out weight the criticisms so until that changes I'll keep it as is. Personally, I can go either way with them, so time will tell. And, I have stopped putting everything I see up.

  5. Fair enough. :) You're doing a great job with this site. BTW, who are you and is there anywhere we can find out more info about you? I don't mean mother's maiden name and social security number, I mean more about your musical interests/projects.

  6. This is pretty much it as far as my sites go. I got into synths in 1986 with an Oberheim Matrix-6. I played synths for a friend's band. We called ourselves Green. I grew up in LA, went to all the shows, clubs and did the rave thing. I used to go see Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley taped live when I was a little kid. : ) Paramount Studios was accross the street behind the cemetary from my house. The Band went no where, partially due to alcohol and the rest due to monetary issues, members moving and more. I relocated to Seattle where I met my wife and got a job in the tech industry. Synths and sound exploration became more a hobby for me. I worked 60 hour weeks for years and didn't have much of a life. I had a newborn daughter and realized I wasn't spending any quality time with her, so I left the day job and now I work from home, blog and play with my synths. : ) And, that's about it. There's tons of other info hidden in the blog as well.

    As for the blog, I just put stuff up I find interesting that comes to me. I actually don't actively search for this stuff. I also understand that everyone has their own interests and tastes, so this site isn't just about me - actually most of it isn't. I put stuff up that's out there by other people, so it's more of a heartbeat on what other people are doing in the world of synths. And of course people send me stuff to put up all the time. Anything that has a via in it came from that person. July 20th will be my one year anniversary. BTW, I set up back in October of 1997 to keep track of all the synth sites out there and to post some info on my synths at the time (the nostalgia link). Over time I found that some of the more interesting bits of info were hidden within sites, forums and lists, and I found that I'd forget were I saw things before. I realised the link list on the old site wasn't cutting it for me and there was no way I was going to bog up my Favorites folder. So... I created this blog. Whenever I found something interesting I put up a post with a small bit of info so I could easily search for it later. That was the whole purpose of this blog. To track and store interesting bits of info I might want to check out again in the future. Start with the July 2005 archive scroll to the bottom and move up to get an idea of what it was like in the beginning.

    BTW, my sister blog is SYNTHWIRE. A while back I asked about opening up Matrixsynth to other bloggers. I got a resounding NO, so I created SYNTHWIRE instead. Anyone can join and blog there, so feel free to sign up and post interesting stuff you come across as long as it's related to synths. You can also use it to promote your own stuff - music, site whatever, again as long as there is something relevant to synths.

    So what else do you want to know?

  7. OK, how much do you make per month on your ads? Do you give a cut to those that originated the content you re-post?

  8. Anonymous above me, that was rude. Though it would be nice to know! Matrix, I'm curious to know your real name. Mine is "Anonymous". ;) Or are you only known as "Matrix" in synth circles? If so, I can respect that. You're like a celebrity. So I guess you may need your privacy.

  9. Dang, I almost fell asleep reading Synthwire. Matrixsynth is where it's at.

  10. Let's just say I don't make much. Apparently we (synth heads) are a minority and most people don't click on the ads, so... If I were doing this for the money I would have stopped a long time ago. As for giving others a cut I might want to ask them to give me a cut for the traffic I send them. ; ) Truth be told, if I took all of my posts and divided them by how much the ads have made so far it litterally comes out to pennies to the post. Thanks for asking actually. I didn't think to do the math until now.

  11. Oh, and if I ever did start making significant money off of the sites, I'd want to give it back. How? We could always use another synth museum. But, that's just a pipe dream...


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