Sunday, October 29, 2006


Posted by synthbaron on Synthwire. Anyone know what it is?

Update via anonymous in the comments:
"this is an SMS MARS with the planet 7 (?) expander. Neat little modules. Its a single rack space. 1 each of: vco, vcf, lfo, eg, vca. Patch point on the back of the rack. The planet module brings all patch points to the front (actually for 2 mars units) and adds a couple utility modules (mixers, inverters, etc)."

SMS (Synthetic Music Systems)

Upate via Chris in the comments:
"I was lucky enough to buy on of these from the designer 5 years ago, and was silly not to buy a second one that went through ebay a few months back, its that good !!! The two 1u racks sit above and below the 2 u unit which brings all the patch point to the front and include noise, ring mod and many more extras. I'll try to put up some samples up on the web site soon so you can have a listen. The filters are moog 24db and the VCOs have a very useful vc morph, from saw to saw and square to narrow pulse. I have to say again I love this synth, maybe evern more than my Organ system it is realy that good. The designer worked on a second version with analouge systems called the Spawn which was reviewed in SOS. I also have to say the designer was a lovely bloke, if anyone has his email I would love to get in touch again.


PS if people have a preference to alonger Mp3 or smaller wav files like my other samples let me know and any requests will be considered."


  1. Looks yamaha... their knobs are of such. But yet again, anyone can use these typo knobs...

  2. Yeah, Alesis mixer knobs are the same as that.

  3. this is an SMS MARS with the planet 7 (?) expander. Neat little modules. Its a single rack space. 1 each of: vco, vcf, lfo, eg, vca. Patch point on the back of the rack. The planet module brings all patch points to the front (actually for 2 mars units) and adds a couple utility modules (mixers, inverters, etc).

  4. Damn.I thought I was going to lead you all on some SMS2000-ish tangent. Heh.

    Here's some info about it:

    But where'd I get that pic? Hmm.

  5. Hi there,

    I was lucky enough to buy on of these from the designer 5 years ago, and was silly not to buy a second one that went through ebay a few months back, its that good !!! The two 1u racks sit above and below the 2 u unit which brings all the patch point to the front and include noise, ring mod and many more extras. I'll try to put up some samples up on the web site soon so you can have a listen. The filters are moog 24db and the VCOs have a very useful vc morph, from saw to saw and square to narrow pulse. I have to say again I love this synth, maybe evern more than my Organ system it is realy that good. The designer worked on a second version with analouge systems called the Spawn which was reviewed in SOS. I also have to say the designer was a lovely bloke, if anyone has his email I would love to get in touch again.


    PS if people have a preference to alonger Mp3 or smaller wav files like my other samples let me know and any requests will be considered.

  6. Thanks Chris. I updated the post with this. I'd be interested in longer mp3s just to get the character of it. Hands on is where you can really focus on it's subtleties.


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