MATRIXSYNTH: Y2K6 Looping Festival and NorCal Noisefest

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Y2K6 Looping Festival and NorCal Noisefest

Two events coming up sent my way via Brian Comnes.

Y2K6 International Live Looping Festival
"Over 50 artists from around the globe will converge on the San Francisco Bay Area this fall for the Fifth Annual Y26K Live Looping Festival. Perfomers from across the United States and as many as 10 other countries will appear in Santa Cruz, Calif., on October 21 and 22, for the main two days of the festival. Additional festival-related events will be held in San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland during the week preceding the main festival."

Nor Cal Noise Fest.
"The Norcal Experimental Music Festival was started in 1995 and was held at the Guild Theatre in Sacramento, on November 3rd, and 4th. Performers came from all over the western United States and Canada. 2006 will mark the 11 year anniversary of NOISEFEST happening in the Sacramento area, and will be the 10th time this event has occured. After searching the web and beyond ..we have yet to find ANY other Noise/Experimental festival happening anywhere else in the World that has continued for as long as NorCal NoiseFest has. we thank you for your patronage."

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to see this post about the Loopfest because Santa Cruz isn't too far from me. But then I looked at the artist lineup and absoloutely none of those guys use synths. They all loop guitars, brass instruments, etc and pass them through pedal effects. That's cool too, but not cool enough for me to drive up. I guess I had something else in mind when I heard "Loopfest".


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