Sunday, January 14, 2007

GuruOne GOMP

"GuruOneMP (GOMP) Jr is a VST MIDI FX Plugin. It is a musical scripting language, taking the best from traditional programming languages adding high-level functions / concepts using standard music theory

New 1.5 Features:

. Two views of GOMP now available. One basic for performance mode and the other advanced for programming mode
. Line/ascii editing. Now Mac users can take full advantage!
. RND and Reset buttons to respectively mess-up and restore parameters
. C.C.# variable to allow easier handling of continuous controller events
. Temporary variables to avoid having to borrow valuable parameters
. Quick number and list entry
. RAW midi import


. Runs on Mac/OS X (10.2.8 to 10.4 universal) or PC/WinALL
. Full support for the MIDI standard including CCs
. In-built logic and math
. Sixteen fully-automatable parameters
. Infinite mapping possibilities
. MIDI import. Play entire MIDI sequences from single keys
. Smart Note Off
. Modular - Multiple instances can be used to expand functionality
. Includes a set of powerful in-built scripts ranging from utilities to easy chord players and rhythm/glitch (see Downloads page for more info.)


BASIC support package. In other words, will help you to create your own scripts, but not write them for you. Also, small upgrade fee may apply

Listen to GOMP here OR test-drive the demo here"

Title link takes you there. via Rich

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