Saturday, January 13, 2007


Update: I decided to not include the Matrixsynth posts on Matrixsynth-B after all. I looks like crap and you end up having to weed between them, so... All auction posts will be different between the two.

In light of me wanting to capture both the jaw droppers and to some, the mundane that comes across the bay, I've decided to create Matrixsynth-B for the "b-sides" of auction posts here. The "B" is also a take on "the Bay." The site will be limited to auction posts only, so if that's not your "schtick," you can skip it. I will continue to put up auction posts here as usual, however, anything I am on the fence with will go up on Matrixsynth-B. Note that the criteria for an auction to go up here are any combination of great shots, interesting details, or the rarest of the rare. So, if you are into the auction posts, do check out the B-sides now and then as some interesting items will come up that might not meet the three criteria. I will not link to auctions here, on Matrixsynth-B just to reduce redundancy.

I'm also going to open B up to submissions, so if you have something listed that you want me to post, send it my way, but.... send it at the start of your auction so it's not too late. The turn around times might be slower as my main focus is MATRIXSYNTH. And the new site... it's B-lue.


  1. At least Moog already makes a BLUE Voyager ;-)

  2. Matrix: do you hate your free time?

    Do you hate mine? (more to check)



  3. Funny about the blue voyager, we now have a Matrixsynth Voyager, only it's called Electric Blue. That's just a code name. : )

    Thanks for the congrats.

  4. Noooooooo!!!


  5. Yes, it would have to be green! Blue is just b-side, b-list, b-stock, b-movie, etc. : )

    I heard a green one is coming but it will not be called the Matrixsynth edition. : ( Oh well, we can pretend. ; )

  6. Haha better start making stickers... so that when the green one is out we just paste it somewhere marked "MATRIXSYNTH" LOL... man you should patent the idea... then MOOG will have to pay you for the endorsement ... hurhur

  7. Hi Matrix ! I do love the Blue, hence the post on "Frederic 1979", but its very hard to read on black.



Note: comments that insult people will be removed. Critique on gear is allowed. Do not ask if listings are still available. Click through auction links to check yourself. Posts and pics remain for historical purposes. To reduce spam, comments for posts older than one week are not displayed until approved (usually same day).


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