Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Now this could be interesting. Think community based interactive mega synths - we all interact with it via MIDI over the net.

"MIDI over Ethernet ports - send MIDI over your LAN.

You can route MIDI over your Ethernet network, using ipMIDI ports to send and receive MIDI data between PC's connected to your LAN. For example, if you have a music studio with several computers connected via MIDI interfaces and MIDI cables, ipMIDI will replace them all.

Any MIDI application on the LAN can communicate with any other without any new physical connections, eliminating separate MIDI cables and additional hardware interfaces and if you are running a wireless IP network (i.e. 802.11 a/b/g) you don’t need any cables at all! This is becoming more in demand, the ability to just establish a temporary local wireless network and hook in the PCs."



  1. matrix..this is so cool, thanks for the post ....I'm moving to Chicago but now daddio and I can collaborate over the web , (he's in North Bay , CA) we are definitely gonna try this out ...midi synch his session with mine , we both record locally....add a phone call to talk and here the other studio and then I send him my clips for mix down .....if it works, it is so coolllllll!....we will definitely try this and post results


  2. well on second thought and reading the fine print, it uses UDP not TCP so maybe a WAN connect is NOT possible, damn , so much for my early enthusiasm ...duhhhhhhhhhhh....but then with some VPN tunneling maybe I can pass the UDP streams ...time will tell ....sigh

  3. Shoot, that's unfortunate. VPN should work, but it's been a while since I dug out my TCP/IP books. : ) I actually had an MCP cert in TCP/IP networking. Shhh... don't tell anyone.

    Definitely post back if you get this going.

  4. That's nothing new on the Mac. It's built into the system.

    I published a how-to post about this a while ago:

    the post describes a wireless connection between 2 laptops.


  5. Why not a Midi -> OSC -> TCP/IP -> OSC -> Midi transport?

    This sort of thing is essentially built into Max/MSP and Pd isn't it?

  6. If you want a dirt simple, free, multiplatform (Windows/Unix/Mac OSX), easily-tunnelled, TCP-based version of this which has been available for years, try my NetMIDI.

  7. Also, I believe on OS X, built into the operating system, in the 'Audio Midi Setup' screen is the network midi setup object.

    It looks to do something similar.


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