MATRIXSYNTH: Moog Little Phatty Demo and Revew by Hexfix93

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Moog Little Phatty Demo and Revew by Hexfix93

Title link takes you to the review by Hexfix93 of VAC.


  1. Must have been synthesizing a hamburger since it's a little patty.


  3. Dude, you make presets.

    ... for people to play ...

    Personally, I love presets. Presets let us stand on the 'shoulders of giants' (like you ;) hehe

  4. I think it's broken o-0

  5. synthbaron loves hex - its all a lie!

    btw, how many gas station donuts can you buy with all that preset money?

  6. > btw, how many gas station donuts can you buy with all that preset money?

    I only get paid in sex.

  7. hey hamblerger, oops i mean butt baron, i mean synthbaron. i made those patches. they are not presets my dear,,

    if i had any kind of advice for you, it would be to hit the gym and lay off the friggen hambergers dude..

  8. > if i had any kind of advice for you, it would be to hit the gym and lay off the friggen hambergers dude..

    In 20 years you'll be overdosing on double cheeseburgers to look like the rest of us.

  9. baron. heheeheheh long time no flame :)

    but i'm a vegan, i don't eat any processed foods. and i am in shape :) but it was a cheap shot on you.

    sorry. but your preset slam kinda irked me.

    ehheeheh i like this synth a lot, but its not without my gripes..

  10. > but i'm a vegan, i don't eat any processed foods. and i am in shape :)

    In shape? How can you be anything but a toothpick while being a vegan?

  11. Hey, Synthbaron, I'm vegan too, living in France. I practive taekwondo, and I'm in good health too. But has veganism something to do with electronic music?? Let's have some kick on (saw)teeth, could have something to do with EM! ;-)

  12. its moog like rogue, not mewg.

  13. i always say mewg, even thought i know its moooooooooog... its just how i have said it over and over again over the years..

    and i am 5'11 and a half, and weight 190. i can bench about 250, i work out a lot. i do hiit cardio training. and i am no tooth pick..

    but yeah, i love my moog..

  14. I added some updates to the review, and some new sounds i made..


    i hope you buy one, its worth it. despite its few flaws. i like it more than the over priced voyager..

  15. I like eating Vegans the most.

    Their livers taste great with fava beans.


  16. Get ready for vegetarian world domination...the movement is growing slowly but solidly

  17. I am also a vegan, although I must admit that the baron is spot on. I look like a third world heroin addict as do my vegan friends. In all honesty, a semi-strong gust of wind could knock me over, haha. Any vegan that claims to be "strong" and "in good shape" is a liar. But its what we gotta do. ;)

  18. Haha, you'd know, right?

  19. Uhh. i am not lying. I am strong. and vegan.. And i'm into martial arts. MMA and all that.

    I'm a goth, a jock, and a weirdo. But i am not a wimp. i promise..

  20. WHY would someone buy something they cant play and then video their retardation for the public??

    Oh! They didnt buy it did they. Mommy bought the the little moogy thing for you. That's nice. Maybe mommy should buy you a piano lesson for your little toy thingy too...

  21. Hex, you are the most insecure person I have ever read comments from. You are all over every synth website with your insane and irregular babble.

    You are constantly saying what an amazing programmer you are (or were). give it a rest already, you are just a synth fan who makes some mediocre music like most of us.

    Why even try to defend yourself against Synthbaron? Nobody cares that you play karate and think you are buff.

  22. hehe

    you forget to tell them about the thelemite chaos magick, hex

    watch out dudes! he will curse your ass and then you will be sorry

    but for real talk, anyone making a living on music gets props for that.. of course, im able to dissect being into component subatomics when it comes to respect - so dont get it twisted

  23. > Haha, you'd know, right?

    Don't knock it 'til ya try it.

  24. I still say Moog like "a cow says moo" also, even though I saw the documentary. I'll bet most of you said it that way before you saw the documentary too. It sounds better in english. Welome to America, prepare to get your last name pronounced in different ways and tolerate it (and Bob did tolerate it, unlike you nerds)

  25. Yeah i have moods, sometimes i think i suck pure crap, then other times i think i'm ok. i'm ok at programming sounds, i'm ok at song writing. i have made dance hits in the underground clubs and seen my music pack dance floors at clubs.

    so i know i have fans. and sometimes im cool with myself, and other times not. i'm kind of humble. and kind of stuck up. it just depends on my mood.

    i honestly put this stuff up for the synth fans. and for my fans.. not to act like a know it all or anything.. i'm far from perfect, i'm damn aware of that..

    but more than anything, i'm into synths, i love matrix synth. and im into talking about synths. its why i'm here..


  26. I like how Matrix posts so fast that these awful troll-fests get pushed out of the way.

    Hex has it right, it's all about the synths.

  27. >Hex has it right, it's all about the synths.

    No, no children! It's about music.

  28. not on this site.

  29. Hexfix93 said...
    "Uhh. i am not lying. I am strong. and vegan.. And i'm into martial arts."

    Why am I picturing Crispin Glover on Letterman?

    "I can kick..."

  30. > "I can kick..."


  31. I don't get to bothered by all the trolling. I know that someone cool will read this and be inspired by it. That is all i hope. It's not the end all be all. But i put my money where my mouth is. I put up clips, i back my opinions with something other than hot air and trolling :)

    so in a way, i always feel vindicated even when people like this give me shit. Honestly. i like it. i am a masochist deep down. but also a sadist at times too.

    It's attention after all. and thats cool, more than anything, it's attention to my cause, and in this case its selling the little phatty in memory of bob, and to help out my friends at Analog Haven in california.

    A ka dua
    Tuf ur biu
    bi a’a chefu
    Dudu nur af
    an nuteru.

  32. I've always wndered why Hexfix has so much energy....his stomach isn't laid up digesting rank hamburgers, haha

    Feed him a hamburger :)

  33. I'm sure the hardest part of being a Vegan is not using items in life that are created from animal based products....and therefore not being a hypocrite when you play a synthesizer that is made partially from animals....

  34. Did everyone from TGS come here?

    Feel a lot happier surrounded by trolls

  35. I do what to others? heh. last time i look, i only responded negatively to you baron. but even then i said sorry.

    And yeah, many things are not vegan. I use a tv that has cows blood in it, i use money that is covered in cow lard, i use gas and oil both of which are tested on animals. and yes some electronics even have animal bi products in them. but almost all things can be made vegan. even tho they are not.

    so honestly, i am a vegan only so much as i can be, i don't ingest anything with animal bi product in it to my knowledge. and i don't wear it. the point is, i try. no one can be 100% vegan unless the get out of society completely.

  36. what a waste of moog :-(

  37. yup a total waste, because 60 thousand people will hear it on my next lp. i'm sure bob wouldn't want it in my hands..

  38. thanks for sharing that--- it sounds good!

  39. yeah sounds great..can't wait to get the album.

  40. wait. how exactly is there cow's blood on your telly?

  41. they use it in the pixels some how, i read about it a long time ago. ages..y

  42. man, you gotta relax..spend some more time with your moog,and ease up on those psychedelic veggies.

  43. Baron, can you put in your will that I can use your lard for biodiesel when you kick it like Sanford in the next 5 years?


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