MATRIXSYNTH: Endorphin - Quad SID synth

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Endorphin - Quad SID synth

flickr by fibra.

Title link takes you to more shots.


  1. very nice. I look forward to learning the details of what this thing all about.

    I plan to build the seq3 this summer.

  3. It is a midibox sid synth with full control surface and four sid chips

    midibox is one of the greatest synth projects around the web.

    Beside the sid synth they have an
    fm synth, midicontroller boxes and a very cool sequencer.

    I have build the a sidsynth with one sid and basic control surface.
    The sid is ripped out of an old c64 bought on ebay. I still can't believe how fat and analog this thing sounds, a lot fatter than you would expect from home computer sound. The guy how designed the chip later founded ensoniq.

    all you need to build are two PCBs (available in Europe and USA)
    and a handful of parts. At the end youa re having a full midi controlable synth.

    midibox deserves more posts here!!

  4. I should have known. I'm very familiar with midibox, I'm the one who made this one. When I think of ucapps I think more of midi controllers and not the sid side of things. In any case this quad sid looks very nice.


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