MATRIXSYNTH: The Mighty MB-6582!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Mighty MB-6582!

"four channel stereo synth (8x 6582 SIDs) and the up-coming release of MB-SID V2 is going to blow away all other SID hardware."

via C64Music! where you will find more images.

Reminder on all flickr shots: always click on the "All Sizes" link to see the full sized shot.



  1. wow are these going to go into production?

  2. No, it is a DIY project called the midibox-sid. Check out for details.

  3. You build it for a couple hundred dollars. Very cheap, educational, and cool!

  4. this is something (ithink) that is different than the ucapps. I cant seem to find info on it and the 6582 IC that they are using...the famous SID is a 6581 OR 8580. This looks like something they are going to or are producing...if anyone has info please post it...i'm looking too

  5. It says in some flickr comments that the PCB will be available after his next revision.

  6. Yes, this guy is from Australia and he made this version of the Midibox SID himself. It is still based on the Midibox design though. The 6582 was not used in the C64, but it is a 9V version of the SID much like the 8580. They are hard to find, but there was some new old stock floating around that has mostly been bought up. I doubt this will become a production synth (at least not is any real quantity) due to a shortage of 6582 SID's, especially since he's using 8 of them in one unit. But apparently he'll be selling boards for those that have, or can find some SID's. One thing for sure, it did a bloody nice job of it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is a one-off, DIY project using the MIDIbox SID synthesizer circuits and firmware. I might do a small batch of PCBs, but it's all strictly DIY. For info on the MB-6582, see the
    MB-6582 wiki page

  9. wow, clean project and clean site!


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