Thursday, June 28, 2007

Synton Fenix

via this Craigslist post, listed at $5500.

"This synthesizer is a rare collector's item, only *75* are known to exist.

You can learn more about the Fenix at the official Synton web site."

via brian comnes


  1. I owned one for a several years (placed an order with Synton). It had a great design with some unusual features; however, the filters were fairly bland. I ended up selling it because, obviously, the money you can get for selling it as a collectors item is more than the price/function ratio of the unit. I did like how each of the modules in the unit was slightly different.

  2. how was the overall sound quality, besides the filters? did you experiment with any feedback for gnarlier timbres? did you have a chance to compare to any Serge?

  3. first time i've heard bland as a filter description for the fenix. ever fm the multimode? good lord it's a beast!

  4. I have one, I like the multi-mode filters very much and find they have a lot of character. Nice and "snarly" with great whip-cracking oscillation at high resonance. The lowpass is a little tamer sounding to my ears, however.

    The individual modules complexity compares favorably with Serge, it's a very West Coast style synth.

    Using feedback and overdriving inputs does produce great "gnarly" timbres, though there's no waveshaping like the amazing Serge Wave Multipliers available. 2 very sweet sounding ring mods, which always make me wish for one more vco with sine output for stereo ring mod patches.

    Lastly, the VCO sync is extremely wicked...

  5. I remember these were originally intentionally priced low by the manufacturer, they knew they could get more for them but charged less because they wanted them in musicians hands. It's too bad they didn't keep making them, they made so few that people now price them at extortion rates and have made it into this priviliged, esoteric thing... completely destroying the original intent of the designers. I refuse to give collectors several times the original price on an "investment" when the creators of these works of art made so little on them.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, free market blah blah blah. Save it for economics class, we're supposed to be artists here. Whatever, anyway...


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