MATRIXSYNTH: Endorphin - quad SID synth (still in progress)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Endorphin - quad SID synth (still in progress)

flickr by fibra.

Title link takes you to more.


  1. This is exactly what I need. Will you be building to order after the prototype is done?

  2. look at

    this is another great looking midibox sid. Prototyping is done... now build one yourself!

  3. Thanks but my job takes too much of my time to start a project like that. Also, I know nothing about electronics/schematics etc.... Surely someone would do the footwork for me for some $$$$$$$$$$$$

  4. Hello, I`m Sasha, the builder of Endorphin. This is non-commercial project, and I have no intention to build one for others. I help from time to time people in building process by making them custom parts they cannot buy (engraved illuminated buttons, panels, internal construction...)
    I need to say that I have very little free time myself but I was still able to build this synthesizer. Everybody with strong motivation can build one.
    My recipe is simple... sleep less, solder more. Nikola Tesla used to sleep just 2 hours a day, so why can`t we sleep 5?


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