MATRIXSYNTH: The Jaminator

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Jaminator

via this auction.
"This is for a Jaminator Guitar this is a 80's instrument,this guitar is very hard to find ,this item is in very good shape,few scratches,remember it is a 1980 guitar,all works great,it will also come with extra 5 sond cartridges,plus it has 5 songs on board,this guitar is cool!,it adds the lead and rifs to the song when you want to,lots of fun all you need is timing,you don't have to know how too play guitar,but if you did,just makes it better!you will get classic rock 1,2,southern rock,classic rock2 different songs,each have 5 songs on them,you can also play lead with out the song cartridges,you will like this item,it is rare!!!,they say this item is going for $225.00 in the uk,with out songs"


  1. I have one of these, although with only one cartridge. One really fun thing to do is to start a song playing from the cart, then slowly start removing the cartridge from one end, a millimeter at a time. Eventually you'll get some cool noise, that may still be rhythmically related to the song, or may well be firmly in the pseudo-random camp.

    Good clean fun.

  2. Those aren't rare.

    I see them at yard sales about once every 6 months.

  3. Hey next time you see one at a yard sale, get it for me. Mine went belly up about 10 years ago and I haven't been the same since. Yeah, but $225 is way to much to pay.

  4. I just got one of these at a yard sale for $2... Here's some other information along with a picture of the developers(?) madcapps(DOT)com/Jaminator/Jaminator(DOT)html


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