MATRIXSYNTH: Admin: Contact Info Update

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Admin: Contact Info Update

Just an fyi, but I changed my contact info from matrixsynth at hotmail to matrixsynth at gmail. My hard drive crashed the other day and I had to rebuild it from scratch. I went with Vista (apologies to the Mac users out there but I need it for work) which no longer has OE, so I went with Outlook and the hotmail integration is horrendously slow even after downloading all my messages, 2.5 Gigs. : ) I keep everything. Anywho, I finally gave up and decided to try gmail integration with Outlook. It supports proper POP and is FAST, so... I'm on gmail now. If you have me in your address book, please take a minute to update it with the new address. Apologies for this, but my mind was going numb waiting for each individual email to synchronize with the server. It's literally like those dreams where you try to run but can't as you feel like you are running waste deep in water. Mind numbing, horrid stuff.

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