Friday, September 14, 2007

Buchla 207

via this auction

This one is being auctioned off by Ezra Buchla, Don Buchla's son.

"This is a Buchla model 207 mixer and preamplifier from the 200 series, made sometime in the early 1970's. It is quite rare and consists of all original components.

The mixer section includes 6 input channels, 4 of which have manual control over location, and two of which have voltage control of location. This section also includes a third, independently switchable mono output bus.

The pre-amplifier section has a single 1/4" input, three switchable gain/impedance settings and a potentiometer for finer gain control."


  1. lol what a hack job on the circuit side. Resisters patched directly off of other resisters, love it!

  2. it was the seventies so... it's quality is directly a function of it being a buchla. :)

  3. Isn't old Buchla stuff notorious for being poorly designed? Seems the 200 stuff is hard to keep working.

  4. 200s are very easy to maintain. 100s even more so. some of the ICs are hard to locate but you can say that about just any synth from that time.

  5. The circuit board looks like the result of an acid trip.

  6. This must be the module Suzanne Ciani got fired over.

  7. You are obviously ignorant about point to point wiring which is common in some custom gear and high end tube amplifiers, some costing thousands of dollars.

  8. it is not point to point, it is a printed circuit board just has a few kludges! PCB designs were hand drawn, thats why many PCB traces from the 70's are so organic. amazing colours though , really bonkers, must have cost a bomb cutom colouring everything including the soldermask!

  9. You have to admit, it is a wild looking pcb job.

  10. The 200e could use a 1 panel unit version of the 225e

  11. Ezra must be jonzin' for cash, raiding dad's attic. ;)

  12. hi, this is ezra b

    yes, it's my 207 for sale. i've owned and used it most of my life but it has long been made pretty irrelevant, day-to-day. so, i'm clearing it out... i think someone out there will derive more satisfaction from owning it than i do.

    the R's are pretty amusing. you'll see similar funny mods on a lot of old handmade synths; i find it kind of cute and homey. in terms of functionality, shorting the R's just doesn't really happen when the thing is mounted, you'd probably have to work on bending them down towards the board... like i said, it's seen a lot of use.

    discerning observers may notice the original panning vactrols... it's not easy to find these, or anything that sounds exactly like them.

    oddly, this is the first i've heard of the "notorious" poor design of buchla 200 series... ha

    well, alright... that's my 2¢, have fun with it



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