MATRIXSYNTH: Mattson Mini Modular Size Shots

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mattson Mini Modular Size Shots

Carbon111 put some shots up on the MMM forum. They should give you a feel for the size of each module.


  1. Yes, it is the prototyped glide module.

  2. its lovely and quiet in here now :-)

  3. I certainly hope he is going to spin PCBs and mount the switches, pots, and jacks directly to the board.

  4. That penny in the pic helps me out a lot.
    And yes, the quiet in here is like a new copy of Dark Side of the Moon, ain't it!

  5. I asked George (via an anonymous comment btw) if the pots, jacks, switches etc, would be mounted to the board. He said no, they'd be on equal length wiring, so that the pots, jacks, switches, etc, could be easily rearranged, by diy'ers or people that wanted different faceplates.

    Makes sense from that standpoint. From a manufacturing standpoint, it seems it will only lead to a slow, tedious, assembly process. I was also surprised to hear the components are all through-hole. Makes me wonder if he is using OTAs or other EOL'd parts, or if the designs are completely discrete.

  6. Are there any SMD OTAs? I really doubt you could fit a discrete OTA replacement in such a small space. Besides, I'm sure he's sitting on a huge lot of NOS CA3080/3280.

  7. It seems nice and nice graphic panel design also.


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