MATRIXSYNTH: The MMM Mattson Mini Modular

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The MMM Mattson Mini Modular

YouTube via redmartian.
"Mattson Mini Modular Portable Modular Analogue Synthesizer"


  1. that's an awesome ringtone. can you get a doepfer one too or is that an incompatible format? ha ha! seriously tho, where are the sound samples?

  2. it sounds thinner than i expected.

    I did a side by side comparison with my doepfer and the latter has much more bass and presence.

  3. cell phone video on You Tube?

    come on people...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "I did a side by side comparison with my doepfer and the latter has much more bass and presence."

    I'm sure the latter wasn't running through a cell phone's tinny speakers and youtube's audio compression :P

  6. Sorry about that, I took that while Carbon111 was fiddling with his first patch. Its a new phone, I'm on a mac and it wouldn't let me access the 3GP movie, so I got desperate and grabbed my wife's Leica digilux and recorded it there ..

    For better or worse, I do have 5 audio examples up on

    More will be coming. And for Severed Heads fans, sorry that the MMM site has been squatting. Yes, it is being hosted on one of our servers, but once we get the DNS portion transfered over to us, it will be less obvious.

  7. "cell phone video on You Tube? come on people..."

    someone is taking the piss out of you mate

  8. "I'm sure the latter wasn't running through a cell phone's tinny speakers and youtube's audio compression :P"

    Actually, you're wrong. Doepfer has a module for that, with CV control of tin.

  9. ok awsome now we just need a cell phone playing video that it took off another cell phone come on guys lets make this dream a reality

  10. I think this was a joke based on "take 2"


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