MATRIXSYNTH: Mattson Mini Modular MMM Debut @ PNW Synth DIY 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

Mattson Mini Modular MMM Debut @ PNW Synth DIY 2007

YouTube via redmartian.

"This is a little montage of footage shot at the PNW Synth DIY in Renton, WA. The music was composed entirely on the MMM by William Horne of inside synthesis aka williamroh."

Update via William in the comments: "I posted a much high quality version at, since the YouTube compression hardly does it justice.

Only delay on the lead bits, and a highpass on the hihat were used. No chorusing, phasing, reverb, or compression/EQ, so it's overall a pretty raw sound.

I double-tracked the lead and bass parts for stereo width.

I'll make a more modern, less 80's song later. Assuming I have time - I'm only borrowing the prototype for a few days."

Thre is also a great shot of George and William in the post. Be sure to check it out.


  1. I posted a much high quality version at, since the YouTube compression hardly does it justice.

    Only delay on the lead bits, and a highpass on the hihat were used. No chorusing, phasing, reverb, or compression/EQ, so it's overall a pretty raw sound.

    I double-tracked the lead and bass parts for stereo width.

    I'll make a more modern, less 80's song later. Assuming I have time - I'm only borrowing the prototype for a few days.

  2. The music, in places, reminds me an awful lot of Mogwai Fear Satan by Mogwai.

  3. if you think about it - every vintage piece lusted after on this board probably had a a "soundsheet" record that sounded like this when they were new.

    good demo...


  4. The two things I know about Mogwai is that you're not supposed to get them wet and you are definitely not supposed to feed them after midnight. Other than that, they stay pretty cute.

  5. BTW ...

    For those of you who are serious about the MMM there is a higher res video/audio available. And you already know where it is, if you're serious ;-) Enjoy

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very nice. Nothing wrong with a little retro to show off what that little beastie can do!

    Seeing it being handled really illustrates how small it is. You just want to pinch it's cheeks.


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