MATRIXSYNTH: MMM Video by inside synthesis

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

MMM Video by inside synthesis

Remember the MMM Video posted earlier?

via William of inside synthesis in the comments of that post:
"I posted a much high quality version at, since the YouTube compression hardly does it justice.

Only delay on the lead bits, and a highpass on the hihat were used. No chorusing, phasing, reverb, or compression/EQ, so it's overall a pretty raw sound.

I double-tracked the lead and bass parts for stereo width.

I'll make a more modern, less 80's song later. Assuming I have time - I'm only borrowing the prototype for a few days."

There is also a great shot of George and William in the post. Be sure to check it out.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the video, and now downloaded the MP3 aswell. Great track and nice programming! :)


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