MATRIXSYNTH: ZO1U - Zeroscillator

Sunday, November 25, 2007

ZO1U - Zeroscillator

via Cynthia

"A single height 19" rack mount Zeroscillator called the ZO1U, (who woulda' ever thunk it?) Pronounced "Zee-Oh, One You".

(BTW, this is now the ~sixth~ format of Zeroscillator, with a seventh Buchla flavored version on the way too!)"


  1. looks really nice. now how about some more modular units in stock with your distributor(s)? :)

  2. Interesting... but I'm not quite sure what a ZO in this format is good for.

  3. I guess if you have the Voyager rack mount and a bunch of rackmounted MoogerFoogers, it might be useful.

    Or if you have a Wiard. Unless a sixteenth model comes out in Wiard format.

    Can't wait to see the Buchla format.

  4. Very nice. I think the 19" and 1/2 rack is a nice format overall. ESP if the connectors are also duplicated on the back.

  5. Yes! More details on the buchla format module please. Will you be modifying the components to be signal and CV compatible with all buchla systems?

  6. Guys -

    this is an f'ing great idea - my kudos to Cynthia. Easy integration to all rack-mounted modular synths. You mount this unit in between those rack mounts and you're on line - and the doesn't take any of the otherwise precious rack space the user may need for other devices.

    Good call.

  7. You be Peter 1 and you, Peter 2.

  8. "there's more than one peter here"

    Then which one is the smartass and which one the modular synth designer (if one believes there actually are two identical ali-asses)? I suggest the smarter of you two change your name else get besmirched continually.

  9. re the peter thing: i sure am glad we don't have anonymous posting anymore

  10. "What would you use it for"?

    I'm going to use it just below the FR-XS, and just above the Ebbe & Flut, with a pair of Mobius sequencing them all. Apart from that, you can use it to make your puppy throw up and bang its head against the wall, much like I'm about to do after reading the question!

    :) Merry Christmas!

  11. yeah.. man... Use it for sonic nipple twisting or something... I mean how can you go wrong here?
    I'm going to just buy one and stare at it for 3 days.

    And then, I'm going to ringmod my sphincter with my vocal chords.

  12. yeah.. man... Use it for sonic nipple twisting or something... I mean how can you go wrong here?
    I'm going to just buy one and stare at it for 3 days.

    And then, I'm going to ringmod my sphincter with my vocal chords.


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