MATRIXSYNTH: Airböurne Synthesizer auf der Musikmesse

Monday, March 17, 2008

Airböurne Synthesizer auf der Musikmesse

Pictured here is the Airböurne AVS-04 from Martin Hollinger of Synthorama, a synthesizer museum in Switzerland. You can find a video of the AVX-04 at this year's Musikmesse at Synthesizer-Magazin. To get to the video click on the AVS-04 link. It will take you to the page dedicated to the AVS-04 on Once there, do a find in your browser for Video and you should see it, and of course check out all of the other info on the AVS-04 while there.


  1. what kind of watch is that?

    or is it an electrostatic strap?

  2. It looks like one of the early (and terrifyingly humongous) PDA/calulator/gadget watches, or some sort of old heart-rate monitor+watch. Man, the wrist strap is ugly - it looks like a wrist support to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Aha - maybe it is to prevent repetitive patchcord-insertion/knob-twiddling injuries!

  3. Hello,

    it is a custom made controller for controlling his electricity on/off in all is rooms of his synthmuseum.
    The custom mase case costs him a huge amount of money.

    Hajo Liese


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