MATRIXSYNTH: Future Retro XS Synthesizer

Monday, March 24, 2008

Future Retro XS Synthesizer

YouTube via FutureRetroSynths. via Nathan.
Update: YouTube is being a pain. If you see an error message instead of the videos, click here for them.


  1. i love my 777. the xs looks like a totally new beast. i can't wait to get one.

  2. I've got one on order and this time I'll be sure to get a second one, which I failed to do with the 777.

  3. really diggn it @ about 3:00

  4. I think I am in a complete and total solitary confinement when I say that I just don't get Jared's machines. I've owned every single one, except Mobius, and I had 0 regrets selling them. Well, that's not true. I regret selling my first 777 for only $888. I was shocked when I got $1350 for my second one. So, as investment - it may be worth the purchase. Otherwise, I just think these boxes are... bleh. YMMV tho


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