MATRIXSYNTH: Inside a Crumar Trilogy

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Inside a Crumar Trilogy

images via this auction

"Listen to the demo record from 1981 here (give it time to load... strings are on side 2). The synthesizer filter boards, adsr boards, etc. are complete with all CEM chips. There are 7 CEM3310s (rare), 6 CEM3320s, 6 CEM3330s (rarer to non-existent!)) and an SSM2020 vca."

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's worrisome that the chips are so rare. Mine is not in the best shape, but I love it and I'd be very sad if it died. It actually has a lot more going for it than many people realize.

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, really, is that the TM Input jack is indeed an LFO sync. Used with my DR110's accent/trigger out and then combining the DR110 and Trilogy through a Paia vocoder I get amazing trancy drum sounds.


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