Saturday, April 05, 2008

Casio CK-500

images via this auction
"Casio CK500 BOOMBOX SYNTH w 2 Tape Decks & Radio. It is a Casio MT-65/68 with twin tape decks and a radio! And what is so special about the MT-65? Nothing much, except it is THE definitive 80’s Casio - a mighty beast with full accompaniement options, the full gamut of vowel consonent generated tones, ability to modulate the vowel and the consonent tones against each other to create new sounds and the finest reverb that has ever graced a home keyboard."

If you look at this bottom image you will see there is a switch to select either Radio, Tape, or Keyboard for Function. Anyone know if that means you can only play or rather hear one option at a time? I always thought you could play along with the radio or tapes if you wanted to.

1 comment:

  1. I have this model from fisher (which is primarily a radio, with attached keyboard).
    the keyboard part seems to be:

    now if this one is anything like mine, the keyboard can be recorded from the tape deck in keyboard mode. and you can play along on mine because the keyboard is detachable, but i can't record and play at the same time(only one deck).


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