MATRIXSYNTH: Four sound effects that made TV history

Friday, April 25, 2008

Four sound effects that made TV history

You can find the full article from the BBC with video here. Remember to watch the video in full screen mode when you get there by clicking on the box in the bottom right of the player.

"The BBC's Radiophonic Workshop, a pioneering force in sound effects, would have been 50 this month. Ten years after it was disbanded, what remains of its former glory?

Deep in the bowels of BBC Maida Vale studios, behind a door marked B11, is all that's left of an institution in British television history.

A green lampshade, an immersion tank and half a guitar lie forlornly on a shelf, above a couple of old synthesisers in a room full of electrical bric-a-brac.

These are the sad remnants of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, set up 50 years ago to create innovative sound effects and incidental music for radio and television."
via metrosonus and Alex.


  1. Not only that, but kids these days are wearing all sorts of busy stripes.

    Gives me a head ache. Can't understand them at all.

    Why are they so amused by circuit bending?

    They should get jobs. Hard jobs, that lower life expectancy. That'll teach 'em.

  2. uhhh....


    but i agree none the less, but not without an opportunity for reeducation

  3. That was great. I love Dick Mills!

  4. further evidence that Mark Ayres should be doing the music for Doctor Who, not Murray Gold.

  5. The more I read about the Radiophonic Workshop, the more I wish I'd lived in pre-Beatles England.


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