MATRIXSYNTH: SunSyn 2.0 Update

Saturday, April 05, 2008

SunSyn 2.0 Update

via swissdoc:

"Hi Matrix,

this text is from the "Products 2008" flyer from JoMoX as distrubuted during Frankfurt Musik Messe:

'Later in 2008, we will bring out a final firmaware upgrade for SunSyn. It will add some important functions as Midi Wave import by Sysex dunp and some other improvements in OS like better autocalibration functions and better Midi performance. It will also address the system stability and offer a stable firmware bios that won´t be able to crash and frustrate our valued customers. A processor update is required, too, and so it´s neccessary for existing SunSyns that they will be shipped to Jomox or to an authorized service station in order to install the hardware upgrade.

This also implies that this update is not for free, but it will offer years of trouble-free enjoyment of this wonderfull sounding unique bolide synth.'



  1. Crap! I thought this was going to be about a new version of the Sunsyn coming out. >:(

    I completely missed the boat on these when they were originally available and I've been kicking myself ever since.

  2. Awesoooooome! I was hoping something like this would happen. Oh Sweet Sweet Sun!

  3. O, good, I'm glad he announced it. He told a few of us in emails, already, and it's too great to sit on for very long.

  4. Better start bombing Jürgen with OS feature requests... ;)


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