MATRIXSYNTH: Four synthesizer comics from Wire to the Ear.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Four synthesizer comics from Wire to the Ear.

Check them out on Wire to the Ear.


  1. The one on this page uses "your" when it should have used "you're." One of my pet peeves.

  2. Gee, I saw them on a forum today
    I can't begin to express how lame I think they are
    I mean.. wow

  3. Once upon a time, Roland were just the ultimate synth designers for me. From the Jupiter 8 through the JX10, S50, D50, JD-800 - all their stuff was just so sexy.

    And then it all started going downhill from around the JV-80 time. Now there top end keyboards just look cheap, plasticy and tacky - just look at the V-Synth. Horrible.

    Roland once exuded quality from the sound to the look to the feel. It's a real shame...

  4. Oh my... you guys are cruel! First... sorry about the your're, Second... human attached, please be nice... :) Some people liked them though.

  5. Thought they were awesome. It is a shame about Roland going downhill, I would agree with that.

  6. Comics are great, and the Roland one is my favorite. (I agree that Roland has fallen--the JP8 and JD800 are in a totally different league than the me-too Fantoms and the newer "Junos" and "SH" synths.) I hope the jab at the yellow German synth is just in good fun (I'm sure it is), because I love Waldorf synths.

  7. Oh yeah Robbie of course... I love all Waldorf and Clavia stuff. Hell if its got a knob or button and makes any sound at all I love it!

  8. old synth rule


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