MATRIXSYNTH: P.M.S Swan Up for Trade

Saturday, July 26, 2008

P.M.S Swan Up for Trade

via Heath Finnie on AH:

"PMS S.W.A.N. if anyone is interested in trading for an EMS Synthi AKS which would be great for me in processing audio and FX. I'm just trying to become more practical in my studio. Here is some more info on the S.W.A.N. It has two oscillators and a straight osc output on the back. Oscillators are variable waveform. It has a SSM 2040 IC filter with LP, BP and HP and self resonance and audio input. S&H, Ring Modulator, ADSR and AR with repeat. LFO with variable waveform. It also has probably the nicest square wave sound I've ever heard. Outputs are: OSC 1, OSC 2, KYB, GATE, LFO, ENV 1, High and low output. Inputs are: CV, Gate, Audio. It's in excellent condition and works fully. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is essentially a Syntar in a 'normal' keyboard. The only one ever built. It's great fun or me to have such a rare part of synth history, I just believe I would actually get more 'use' out of an AKS. Serial number is Prototype 1. I have some pictures of it up here [mirrored here]. Thanks, Heath"


  1. This is the most perfectly layed out and featured instrument ever. It lacks nothing -- anywhere. Wow, and so small.

    What sorts of trades are you thinking?

  2. I'm looking for an Synthi AKS.

  3. But you're right too. It is VERY well featured. I was shocked with its size too. Not much bigger than a SH-101. Also has that beautiful SSM 2040 filter, same as the revision 2 Prophet-5.


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