MATRIXSYNTH: Synthorama - Airböurne Synthesizer

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Synthorama - Airböurne Synthesizer

Click here for the first set of images from my trip to Synthorama.

This set includes images of the Airböurne modular synthesizer by Martin Hollinger, curator of the Synthorama synth museum. Martin has been working on this one of a kind modular for the last several years. The design is 100% his. It is a fantastic sounding modular. I asked Martin if he planned to produce these for sale anytime soon. He said it consists of over 10,000 components so it would not be easy. He does hope to show it at the Musikmesse.

Check out the patch cables. The tips are very similar in look to the patch pin tips used by EMS, but they are much smaller. I asked Martin why he chose them. He said mainly for size and quality. The quality of them is apparently very high - better than the patch pins he showed me for EMS. The one risk however is that if too much pressure is applied at an angle, they can break. If they were to break off while patched in the modular, it could be difficult to remove them. Because of this he is not sure if he would use them again. I can say, they are very attractive and add to the overall character of the modular.

Note the blue patch cable in the shot to the left. You can see what they look like unplugged.

As for the individual modules and what they can do, check out each image in detail. I tried to capture what each can do.

In my previous post, you might remember the shot of the skateboard. The significance? Note the name. :) Also take a look at the Airbourne logo in the bottom left of the last shot below. If you look closely, you will see that it's a skateboard! Pretty cool. Martin had a collection of skateboards as well.

A note regarding the shots: not all of them are the greatest, but rather than filter the bad shots out, I decided to put everything up. I sometimes hate the way images look when using a flash - glare sometimes shows and you lose the effect of the natural lighting. So... some of these shots will be blurry because of that. You will need to use your imagination to get a sense of what the setting was like for some of these shots. I do promise you there are some great detailed shots though. There are different reasons for each, some functional, some to capture mood, and some to capture the grandeur. As always be sure to click on them for the full size. You can click on the "All Sizes" link in flickr. Feel free to grab the shots for your personal use. If you have a website, and you want to use them, do so, just be kind and provide a courtesy link back to MATRIXSYNTH.

: videos of the Airböurne coming up. Check back soon.
Update: Actually, the upload is being extremely slow. I'll put up a new post letting everyone know when the Update: videos have been added to this post.


  1. Now thank you for pointing me to "synthorama"! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that this museum is about an hour long drive away from my home!!!! Can't wait to get there myself!

  2. Haha, a lapper! I forgotten all about those! I see he doesn't use copers though!


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