MATRIXSYNTH: AudioCubes Reviews, OSC Support and Open Source SDK

Thursday, August 21, 2008

AudioCubes Reviews, OSC Support and Open Source SDK

New SDK and OSC Support
We put together a mini audiocube configuration panel for building audio applications easily with the cubes and Max/MSP. This will also let us develop some interesting standalone audio applications in the very near future. As an example, we created some patches to send Open Sound Control (OSC) messages to Future Audio Workshop's Circle synth using the AudioCubes. We also did a Quartz Composer example to send colour info over Open Sound Control (OSC) from Quartz to the AudioCubes' RGB LED.

AudioCubes compatible with Max/MSP 5
AudioCubes work with Max/MSP 5 Cycling '74 recently announced Max/MSP 5, a new version of its well-known creative development environment Max/MSP. As you probably already know, AudioCubes comes with an open source development kit consisting of the hardware communication external for Max/MSP and a collection of Max/MSP patches for making your own applications for AudioCubes. You can download all software from the Percussa Website under the Support section, even if you don't have AudioCubes. Today we tested the patches and external with Max/MSP 5 and all patches and external seem to work fine, so we can confirm that AudioCubes and Max/MSP 5 are compatible.

AudioCubes Review/Interview in Interface Magazine
Percussa AudioCubes in Interface Magazine Interface magazine published a nice interview with Bert and a review on AudioCubes (in Dutch). You can download a PDF file of the magazine article on the Percussa Blog. Thanks to Jean-Louis Gayet and Allard Krijger for their interest and time!

AudioCubes Review/Interview in Beat Magazine
AudioCubes Review in Beat Magazine (Germany) Beat Magazine did a nice interview and review about the AudioCubes. You can download the PDF files at the Percussa Blog. Thanks a lot to Thomas from Beat for spreading the word!

AudioCubes in Gakken’s Otonanokagaku Magazine
AudioCubes Review with Cornelius (Japan) A Japanese Magazine, Gakken’s Otonanokagaku (Science for Adults), did a review about the AudioCubes with Cornelius a while ago. You can download the PDF file of the article at the Percussa Blog. The magazine also contains an interesting synthesizer kit.

AudioCubes at GRANdE MASSIFE Event
AudioCubes at Grande Massife 08 Dirk Kuntze (DJ D'Dread) from Germany, which we met at the Musikmesse back in March, reports about the GRANdE MASSIFE where he played with AudioCubes. Grande Massife is an outdoor arts and music event. Dirk also performed at the Street ArtAffair in Leipzig with the AudioCubes. Visit the blog post for an audio interview, press releases about the event and more photos.

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