MATRIXSYNTH: Admin: Update on Auction Posts

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Admin: Update on Auction Posts

Just a heads up, but I will no longer be saving off auction shots in flickr sets. However, I will continue to put auction posts up. Instead of "images via this auction" where images was a link to the flickr set, posts will now read "images at this auction" with this auction being a link to the auction. You can go to the auction to grab the images yourself if interested.

Why am I doing this? Three reasons.

One, it is beginning to consume much more time than I want it to. I post way more now than I used to (30+ posts a day) and I'd like to get some of my time back.

Two, the images have actually become saturated. How many images of a Juno-106 do we really need? Whenever I scrub an auction, if an image looks familiar (they all are beginning to at this point) I'll check my flickr sets to see if I posted them already. This takes a LOT of time and I'm finding that I'm putting up dupes.

Three, I had a seller contact me who said the images I'm capturing are having an adverse effect. People are accusing the seller of grabbing my images for their auctions when the images I have were most likely from that seller's auction! Yep... I was originally capturing the images for two reasons, one for posterity (it would be cool to look back 20 years from now) and two, so people could verify auction images. If you see a questionable auction, you could check the flickr archive and do some research. Well, it looks like that second reason might have backfired. That seller has asked me to remove all of their auction pics. This is the first time that has happened. People are usually thankfull that I put their auction up, but I can understand. The problem with this is that once the Ebay auction link has expired there is no real way to verify who the images came from. Moving forward I'd have to archive and note each seller. That would not only take way too much time, but some sellers might not want me to do this. In short there is no way to keep everyone happy, so I've opted to stop archiving images for now and continue to put up posts for those that want to see and grab them for themselves.

The downside? Once the auction is gone, the images are gone so they are lost. I am still a bit on the fence because of this. I feel like I'm doing an disservice to everyone. If you have an opinion, feel free to comment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it makes sense and is not a disservice if the normal pictures disappear with the auction.. you do such a great job I don't think anyone will be mad at you for stopping that.

    but if it's something interestingly rare or modified or unique, maybe you'll spend the effort to save the images in that case (and note the auction)? Since it will actually matter when the pictures disappear and would be a much lower traffic job.. just a thought. thanks for the great site!

  3. Well I agree that there are a lot of "duplicates" of pictures ...same synth model but just slightly different angle ...I say be selective and if you think the picture is unique or the synth is rare , grab it otherwise let it slide...I've been trying to be good by searching your blog before I send a picture and only if there is one or less previous posts. you could also just cut back your 30 posts a day, six to eight a day with a few less videos of fingers and knobs would keep me happy, or just bag auction posts altogether, you've got a Synths on Ebay link to make up for it ..that's my two cent

  4. Personally, If you are going to have auctions at all I'd love to see only unusual auctions posted. It might cut down on saturation and that occasional "another auction ruined by Matrix" feeling that I know I get.

  5. I think you should continue but only for very rare pieces like GX-1, ARP modular, etc. You already have quite a library of polysynths as you mentioned.

  6. My biggest issues are connected:

    a) I love the service you provide, and Matrixsynth is a happy place, and

    b) I don't want anything to interfere with that.

    If Flickring auction pix promotes Blogging Fatigue, then no no no no no stop it right this instant young man! The last thing I want is for you to get sick of it.

    You've also made it clear that you'll continue to post auctions, you just won't be cataloguing the photos. I'm not sure I've ever had a need for your Flickr sets, but as someone who's benefitted TWICE from your auction notices (hi there, lovely Microwave XT... how ya doin', charming '74 Music Easel manual), I'll say that this decision grants me personally all of the benefits with zero negatives.

    One more time: Thank you thank you thank you, Mr. Matrixsynth, for an amazing job.

  7. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to go with the flow for now and see how things pan out with this new system. I've been known to try things out only to go back (for example, swapping out the Synth Babes tag for Synthettes and back again, trying a three column layout and going back to two). I was curious if anyone out there would really miss the flickr sets. I agree on the super rare items with nice shots for flickr sets.

    Peter Forest of VEMIA has given me permission to put his up, which reminds me I need to make another VEMIA run soon.

    Note nothing else will change. I will continue to put up what I used to put up as I think changing that would break the flow and honestly the post itself is only about 1/10th of the work when it comes to Ebay auction posts. For flickr sets I had to copy each image down into it's own local folder, upload each into it's own set, title each image, grab the link for the flickr set for the post, put up the post and then go back and manually update the set, followed by each individual shot, with a link to the post I just put up. It was a bit time consuming especially when you have more than a couple going up.

  8. matrixsynth=unimpeachable:

    sour grape whiny ebay person needs to have a coke & a smile & shut the fuck up...


To reduce spam, comments for posts older than one week are not displayed until approved, usually same day. Do not insult people. For items for sale, do not ask if it is still available. Check the auction link and search for the item. Auctions are from various sellers and expire over time. Posts remain for the pics and historical purposes. This site is meant to be a daily snapshot of some of what was out there in the world of synths.


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