MATRIXSYNTH: Breakaway Vocalizer 1000 Voice Synthesizer

Monday, October 13, 2008

Breakaway Vocalizer 1000 Voice Synthesizer

via this auction

"These units are great for bizzare instrumentation, hacking/circuit bending, and kids. If you don't know how it works, basically you sing into the mic and it generates corresponding synthesized sounds- you can pick the sound. It also allows you to accompany a bunch of built in songs and rhythms. A total trip."

Update via Musicwise in the comments: "I have one of these and the real value in the Breakaway is realtime Audio to MIDI. You have to power it up with the yellow button pressed and it will then output anything you sing into it as MIDI. You can bend or even switch octaves as you play. I use it to capture vocals as MIDI or to perform sax solos with Saxlab and for writing intricate bass lines. Fantastic box!"


  1. I have one of these and the real value in the Breakaway is realtime Audio to MIDI. You have to power it up with the yellow button pressed and it will then output anything you sing into it as MIDI. You can bend or even switch octaves as you play. I use it to capture vocals as MIDI or to perform sax solos with Saxlab and for writing intricate bass lines. Fantastic box!

  2. I have one too. It is a monophonic voice to midi or whatever you plug into it(like a guitar).
    It also has many styles of rythmn with bass and drums in selected key. Key correction (you can't play a wrong note)and harmony note (extra note) in selected key. Octave change buttons. Chorus and echo and slide button (play in between notes).


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