MATRIXSYNTH: Alessandro Cortini - Lecture at Concordia University

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Alessandro Cortini - Lecture at Concordia University

"Audio recording of Alessandro Cortini's lecture and demonstration of his Buchla 200e modular synthesizer."

via Daphne and Richard Lainhart.


  1. I just listened to the entire thing (2 hours). Allessandro is like a child when he gets to play with his Buchla while answering a certain question from the audience. It contains some really nasty sounds that make it worthwhile for us synth heads aswell, plus he tells us about his inspirations and how he worked in Nine Inch Nails, both in studio and live. Very interesting lecture. Wish he'd come to a school near me :)

  2. If you'd like, you may wish to DIGG the story here:

    Thanks :)


  3. He's a good guy with a good heart.

  4. I didn't get that DIGG thing. Your link is so long it cuts off, and I can't find anything when searching for it on the site. What did you mean?

  5. > Bitexion said...
    > I didn't get that DIGG thing.
    > Your link is so long it cuts
    > off, and I can't find anything
    > when searching for it on the
    > site. What did you mean?

    You can see the link on the MatrixSynth page uses the typical matrixsynth CSS formatting:

    You may also use this shortened URL to get to the DIGG link:

    Thanks :)


  6. i thought he sounded a little defensive and dismissive at times, as if he was using the opportunity to 'get back' at all the 200e critics and detractors in a forum where the participants lacked context. on the other hand, his enthusiasm and skill with the instrument is tangible and i really enjoyed his demonstration!


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