MATRIXSYNTH: Roland Ready GC-10 Guitar Synthesizer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Roland Ready GC-10 Guitar Synthesizer

via this auction
"hard-to-find Roland GC-10 dedicated 13-pin guitar synthesizer controller. I cannot recall the first time I saw the Roland GC-10, but I am pretty sure it was from looking at a Japanese web site. As far as I have been able to determine, the Roland GC-10 was briefly sold with the Roland GI-10 in the early nineties, primarily in Japan. The guitar was never offered for sale in the United States, nor can I find any reference to the Roland GC-10 in any Roland English-language literature. There is badging at the top of the headstock that reads "GTM." I saw a web page that called this the Roland "Guitar-to-MIDI" controller. I have seen one other guitar with the badging, and it is the guitar played on the Roland VG-99 demo page, though it is a different guitar."

YouTube via digitalaudiocentral
Open Day 9 - Roland VG99

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